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Asymetrix ToolBook File  |  1993-12-09  |  901KB  |  9,977 lines

  1. Title
  2. Instructionss
  3. House Design
  4. First Steps
  5. From Idea to Design
  6. Principles of Design
  7. Categories of Houses
  8. Elements of Construction
  9. Kitchen & Bath Design
  10. Places to Cook
  11. Elements of Cooking Areas
  12. Places to Bathe
  13. Elements of Bathing Areas
  14. kbmap
  15. Title
  16. Click on any               to see a map of that section.
  17. Magazine of Designs
  18. Resources
  19. ath Design
  20. Kitchen & Bath Design
  21. CAD/FP
  22. esign
  23. Instructionsss
  24. CAD/FP
  26. Getting Started
  27.  House Design
  28. ~    :PHYSSIZE
  29. Getting Started
  30. System
  31. MS Sans Serif
  32. MS Sans Serif
  33. MS Sans Serif
  34. MS Sans Serif
  35. MS Sans Serif
  36. MS Sans Serif
  37. MS Sans Serif
  38. MS Sans Serif
  39. Times New Roman
  40. Times New Roman
  41. Times New Roman
  42. -- Complete House --
  43. Times New Roman
  44. Small Fonts
  45. MS Sans Serif
  46. System
  47. hdhPath
  48. hdgPath
  49. hdfPath
  50. hdePath
  51. hdcPath
  52. hdbPath
  53. resrcPath
  54. mainPath
  55. isSoundPlaying
  56. BookPath
  57. leaveBook
  58. close waveFile
  59. tbkMCI
  60. isSoundPlaying
  61. hdmap
  63. Cad/FP 
  64. Button
  65.  Getting Started
  66. cover
  67. ytrvz~
  68. zu{~}}~
  69. }yvuuutuvpedp
  70. vihnstv
  71. zwz|zw{
  72. vqposy~
  73. ~truwxw}
  74. {vvvtuuoggmtvuz
  75. ~rnpqojjo{
  76. yzzzzx|
  77. ~tqw~~xtu~
  78. ~uuwumhjmv
  79. |zxqmqt{
  80. }utrw~
  81. |~wposurkjmt
  82. xvnjt
  83. wrtslimr}
  84. {qnrvxuuyy~
  85. zvy}{snqw~
  86. zoqty
  87. {tz{|
  88. rlnpnmnpz
  89. }uqqsvwuphes
  90. kco|xlo|
  91. tqsposwx
  92. ~qmrwwsrwwry
  93. {wvpy
  94. }~vnu
  95. vuwqu
  96. yuoggieh|
  97. ~hfs}znmy~vs
  98. pifhkb^gx
  99. xkeqz
  100. ygbly
  101. jajaS`x
  102. u\hvl~
  103. jYkigffv
  104. qWV]cis
  105. lfz}d\n|
  106. uKJXeqn
  107. vlrsx{
  108. |kmx}
  109. {^_pc^n~
  110. d[clsu
  111. ~rpndmss
  112. rhgkt
  113. dUT]ZMYjz
  114. {bzlU{
  115. sttimr}
  116. |P9NZ^w
  117. xjeaVat
  118. |{vkw
  119. eTw~eo
  120. ieqos|
  121. |tmju
  122. EOxgh
  123. smxmhcar
  124. ~n_Y^kjg
  125. x\_jq
  126. lo}wmcbn{
  127. SEbjt
  128. }Uh|pkuxy
  129. squtxrl
  130. y^k|~
  131. jXZ^`io|
  132. {cMaty
  133. cRZfrspr]Qfhi
  134. tckljlfbt
  135. ujpqon~
  136. tb|mV{
  137. pNWnyua\r
  138. ukxxrwwy
  139. QWbi|wXSn
  140. }rz}}
  141. u\]bl~
  142. eK^ch
  143. dVtz{
  144. r[cihh^Yfy}m
  145. qRZmz
  146. ufmvvjl~
  147. gRios
  148. oRRZ^e
  149. gWfcd
  150. k^trq
  151. kmuxxldl
  152. ~mlmjl{{^Zv
  153. ffpt|
  154. oep|{u
  155. j_epyqhn
  156. w~x]d
  157. rWXhu}wow
  158. g^civ
  159. ~bgqn
  160. pgcZdz
  161. ze[^fmkhnv
  162. }tol{
  163. z_fjp
  164. ylb_u
  165. ~XPaos
  166. {ddpvpks~
  167. |ux~}pd]_w
  168. h`tqht
  169. sa\ekkr
  170. umf`q~cT]TW{
  171. qU^ju
  172. |f`egefrvw
  173. kXnrs|
  174. dZhtyveOLV\_cmu
  175. ~^[c]d
  176. kk{x~
  177. tPL]k
  178. |tspkluz
  179. |llo~
  180. iipkt
  181. nnjcer}tjto^ivsz
  182. udadmropnu
  183. vqrt}nOLNHTf{
  184. ssniifijq
  185. {qweUfx|
  186. qz|t{
  187. tw{odfz
  188. }rlw}jXYYSTX_gu
  189. w^bccq{
  190. {iillmncUf
  191. vqomw
  192. ybjjeq~
  193. vkqn_PTf~
  194. l]lrr
  195. r]UYat
  196. gQSOLU_k
  197. rqz~tgacrweby~iZ`u
  198. xwzte^m
  199. }yrq|
  200. }nnsusy
  201. |w|uw
  202. re__ccZON^|
  203. sigho|
  204. vnnjb\i
  205. uc]]`cinnqpkx
  206. wdgzxfl
  207. ~{vggu
  208. tijeVEMmzqvyoo{
  209. ~qmlj_Q\xudlz
  210. ~w|j[fiZUY`ku
  211. ttulbq
  212. }z~}vor
  213. |qu{|q_dqcXaelxpgs
  214. |oae}
  215. ~nrwjn
  216. seekrt
  217. }topy
  218. ~ob_chect{ifqr
  219. ypidhpu|
  220. sosh\gldu
  221. nVRZ_Z^}
  222. u|s_h{
  223. k`aWP\ZM[q|
  224. qilpkm~u_cjfn
  225. a`jhiicgrx
  226. tvqnzyq
  227. {ihi__x
  228. ~tnugOPVSXiz{mhu
  229. {meh^P\kv
  230. mbgpnr
  231. zvx{wprwty
  232. }mgkuy
  233. {gkqnq{
  234. ywuwurtyz~
  235. wlhnwlcqy|
  236. ka_`YZkv{~yy
  237. {{vljn{
  238. uqx|y
  239. wlqo_TZ^KBR`o
  240. xqsx{
  241. ogmjior|
  242. uikpr~
  243. ywmjqsu
  244. ~qx~rq
  245. xrmkpngw
  246. xow|{~
  247. ~pYWZQOUU\r{jh
  248. rn_LOY`n~
  249. xtwuw{k^p
  250. votww{ypr}{uz
  251. }oy}utyx}
  252. }szvjo
  253. |pgnst{~|
  254. slx~uonkpwlgx
  255. x{ypjgbap
  256. okw}weKCOV_ox|
  257. jfsvuxyx}
  258. ~yphcdolY]u~}|{
  259. g\a__`YPP\it}
  260. }YVabelnmv
  261. yXS\boujfs
  262. rpxxu
  263. kjst{
  264. jitrqttrv
  265. {xxnbahv
  266. z|wwyrhfkou
  267. vmry~
  268. |XUbehjjlu
  269. |lkku
  270. vikkq}
  271. }lijjkbPO\gt
  272. {kigege][`ek|
  273. ntwqlihmw~
  274. m[YY[hmdbpxvx
  275. wtttz
  276. |ug_iu~
  277. hkpliggmuxuy
  278. yjemv}
  279. {utusuzvp{
  280. {ffsz|}vq{
  281. nqxsnkimvz|
  282. onmiq{vqz
  283. kcnsqjZNVbly
  284. zuqqx
  285. unx~}
  286. yqvtjedemxtjq
  287. ~gao|
  288. }wpszzx
  289. |e[``\aklfgloz
  290. ~b\flu
  291. }nihih`\cpqnsyuor~
  292. yejuy|
  293. ~wooz
  294. xdkv|
  295. ydhorvtrvyvrw
  296. dTW]fsyy{
  297. ~x}~tmszwsv~
  298. ~ru~tgkpqx~wieowuolp|}s}
  299. {cUOVepmbcoqjkv
  300. {sjbhv}}{
  301. wtsrnmlhfhkhaaly{z
  302. }wnhq
  303. ux{y}
  304. wtvwvvy
  305. yw|xoqy{vrsvxx{
  306. obfqzzsnv
  307. }{xstwy~
  308. xedkgbhsvsqv
  309. }{{wvxvomu
  310. vhikikry
  311. zoonms{
  312. ugnti\Y_eihem|{nlv
  313. ikttqsw{{wt}
  314. x{}tptunlljkokhjnqz~nds
  315. x{{tu~
  316. |uqsy~
  317. |urrsqhaivzuv~
  318. xojkoopz
  319. z_]hjhhmtxvs|
  320. xuuwy{|{yw}
  321. wimx~
  322. wnsulhr
  323. rowzxxz|~yqpz
  324. qdirvtphb`bdkv
  325. vopollpvzysqy
  326. tqqmlu
  327. |phgimtvspryymiu
  328. vrpomlklmlifjtzvt}
  329. qlv|~
  330. ~vokjmv
  331. |vqfbbcgoz
  332. wablqty
  333. r`cpwwtsw
  334. |rxxonqssuwusqr{
  335. n[`ktyz{{ype_]du
  336. unllmoqssv
  337. |wqllt
  338. ugbiu{y
  339. umnv}
  340. ~mgho|
  341. zmjoushbcgkllmlmty~
  342. sfbm{
  343. |ohkw
  344. }lecft
  345. ysmo{
  346. zpsz|xvuv|
  347. }voa^jw{y|
  348. ui^^iswvwy~
  349. xpees
  350. skkmmmlpz
  351. xnpj_^iv|}
  352. ~{l`fu
  353. unnpnknz
  354. xrruwxz{z
  355. xnkpx|~
  356. rebejlnkefkljlw
  357. }{wmdchq{
  358. ripwqdbny|zy{~
  359. zzyvu~
  360. qmstpkijnt{
  361. tkmtwwy
  362. rklpsttpkimrv
  363. rotsnfaafnx
  364. pmrvxpgit|~
  365. vmmsx{
  366. {wxwx
  367. potwwrmlnrx
  368. ztxzxx{
  369. xe^`cgmoifimt
  370. }xyzwogfjow
  371. }nklu|vg`eiknu}
  372. rnqu{
  373. zgchptqlloprz
  374. |svz{{
  375. somouwpjkp{
  376. sklrtojknoqy
  377. ocdjosz
  378. rjiks
  379. }wnimtvuvz
  380. ~lcenspnqtuuy
  381. rnpqrw
  382. }slggmqnkkq|
  383. urvxutx|xplt
  384. qc][[^fs
  385. xronqz
  386. ~xtw~
  387. ~pffknkjouwspu
  388. wqsplr
  389. zwuqqw
  390. {ssux{}
  391. wkjqstx}}zy}
  392. tnmnnloz
  393. rjllignz
  394. |sqsrqtz
  395. rrvtuyytkdenx
  396. tpppmihmvzxv|
  397. |zzy{
  398. qjnrols
  399. }}~|uonpx
  400. |mmpqv|
  401. zx{zwsqu}
  402. k]^a^Z^gu
  403. wtwzz{|~
  404. ~uwz}
  405. ynlt~
  406. tqsrmfbfotqnqx
  407. |qppqz
  408. timsutw
  409. qhgfgnuz|xrr{
  410. {olnpqonu~
  411. ylkoomlp|
  412. tqtvx|
  413. xqomoswyxocajw
  414. }zyukcdmsux|
  415. rgflpsv|
  416. yqrx|}
  417. wrolmqu{
  418. ywyyrkmuz{{|
  419. {kcbccbdoxwx
  420. {yzyz}
  421. |rmou|
  422. |{yqfbeggilr|
  423. zsuz~
  424. {snosx|
  425. tqpmjjlputposy
  426. uosyxrorwz}
  427. |tqpps{~xv~
  428. |xy{{|
  429. {omonlkmprqmntz}
  430. zoiilorv
  431. ~ywrlknt~
  432. }{voklpy
  433. xtvwtqquzyvux|
  434. z{yrmloruy
  435. }riefoy{vv|
  436. xvz}|xuvxwtuy|}{|
  437. |qhb``benwvomr{
  438. zwwx{
  439. |uuvsolnqqnnruwuv
  440. {rljlpu|
  441. ohilmjilswxz}}|yy
  442. }uqpppt{}xttv{
  443. }uor|
  444. {sqv~
  445. zx|}{z{}zvuw{}|~
  446. ypjhjmov
  447. ~|wv}
  448. ~{wtuz~
  449. xvxwtrtxzxxy||z{}{{
  450. ymggffjnnoty{{zxuw}
  451. zzywvxzxsoorrqqpkmv
  452. zofejpu}
  453. zxz{xvxzz|
  454. xojjklpv|ztppuxz|zuy
  455. z{||{vprx{zxwtppx
  456. ~|unpvzyvwz|
  457. xkgkqvxusy
  458. |qosxywvz}
  459. |vrprw|{uootx|}xst{
  460. woosxxsprvxvronjiq~
  461. uonopmfadmz
  462. |pjnw
  463. wppu{~|{}
  464. ~xtuwtrssqrwyskgkrz|xwz
  465. zssuyytqpmimz
  466. vmjmrtrqsvy
  467. uoot|
  468. |sqw|zqnqx
  469. ~yss|
  470. ~~~xmginv{}
  471. ~ztrw{ypiiqyyutw}
  472. ztqrvvsqpmknx
  473. }z|~~~
  474. uopsngdgow{}
  475. ~vrrx
  476. }ulhiow{}
  477. ~xutpnqtw|
  478. |uqrvwqheltutv|
  479. ~wtuyyxwwurqv
  480. ||}xpmlopmloty|
  481. vsuz|xv}
  482. xrootwwwxyzzz}
  483. ynebfnsux
  484. }xwy{wojmomknw
  485. |wtuxwutuvyzy{
  486. ~xtu|
  487. |vurmijr{{upr|
  488. ztrw}~~
  489. |qiejrtqqv
  490. |pijqussuxz}~|xvwuqoonmlox
  491. wtx}|ywwy}
  492. {tlgdiprnjjq}
  493. zroqtsollou|
  494. voiehossrt|
  495. ~{wspmigfhq{
  496. zplqwyxvux
  497. }vsppv~
  498. ~zwurrstvz|{xuqs{
  499. |wy}~
  500. ytnjknpssru
  501. ~yrnsxxxvrprw}
  502. ~{vqllmllqw|
  503. yqruwyzyy}
  504. ~qjgdbceiosvz
  505. {xz~~
  506. }}|yz
  507. |wspnonkjnw
  508. zrqpnmlotxxx|
  509. zvsrv|
  510. ypjilmnooqvy{
  511. ~xrlhjpuy|
  512. xpqsutru~
  513. vnkqz
  514. {trtvwz
  515. }xw{~
  516. |ssvvqllrwyyz}
  517. }tnkjjmsz
  518. |skkpvwsoqw}
  519. tkilqw|
  520. thfihb_bku|~}}
  521. zwy|~
  522. wokkmqvz
  523. vmnuupmosz
  524. ~vsqprw{}
  525. ujhnuwqkjmrx}
  526. }sjffks{
  527. vuzzursx~
  528. {nimtuqmmqw{~
  529. utxxrnnrx}
  530. vmihimswz~
  531. zokovxuqqu|
  532. voklou|
  533. snomgbbgmqstvxxy~
  534. |tswwtsuy~
  535. |rory|zvtqopsx~
  536. ysprtsrtx}
  537. ~vrruz|}
  538. woklrsplmptx{
  539. {vspnosy
  540. ~wrqtvxyz~
  541. ~skffgeekrw{~
  542. ~|xvusqsx|
  543. }tmlpw{}
  544. ~wqnnqtssw~
  545. ~|zvrpt|
  546. }vohdeijkjkpvxxy|}zwwz
  547. zurqmlov{~
  548. }vrsw{yuttrqpsx
  549. {utwxxvsqtz~
  550. {upopqpmkotvvuuz
  551. |vux}
  552. |z{}}zww}
  553. xqprtuuvy~
  554. ~zwx}
  555. ~vrpoi`]`hqx~
  556. |rnpv}
  557. }vru~
  558. ~wvy|}}}ztppv{ysrv|
  559. ykcceilkjlprtwyywvy
  560. xlffks{
  561. {pkjntyzxy{{zyyvrot
  562. {qlnt}
  563. ~}zusvyvojhimruuw{
  564. yvy~~zwvy
  565. yqnqvyxxyzzyz|}{{
  566. |zvpha]^ckry
  567. }{}~}xqmou}
  568. }|zxwvvy
  569. ~|}|zyxussssuz~
  570. ~}|{~
  571. zrkijkkkkmnonou{
  572. ~{{||~
  573. |vrommoruy
  574. ztqmloswxz|~
  575. |xuvwywsqssporw|
  576. |tmjiijmoprux|
  577. {tonpsx~
  578. ~yxwvuuvy{zwwy~
  579. ~yxy{~
  580. ukgdcfilmorw
  581. ~{yz}
  582. wrstrrtwy{}
  583. vqnmpv|
  584. yspopty||||~
  585. ~xvuw|
  586. ~zzzwspmjheeinqqqrw~
  587. zuqprvxxwvx~
  588. ytpopsuwvtsv{
  589. ~{z{}zsoprqqsx|
  590. xoiedfkqttstw|~}|||{wplklnsz
  591. }zywurprvzzyx{
  592. zqkhfefkptvuuz
  593. |xwx|
  594. |vuvvttuwxwvy~
  595. yuqmlou|
  596. |vrommpuz}}}
  597. ztrsuw|
  598. {uuwvsnkigfefimpruz~|y{
  599. |wuutstw|
  600. zvusrqqrrpmlou|
  601. xtsvxxwwyz{}
  602. xnigedehlqssstwyz}
  603. wlggimrw|
  604. |xvutstuvx{
  605. |wwz}~~~
  606. wjddgjklosy~
  607. }|}~~}||{zy{
  608. ztqpoprv{
  609. vporsrrtw|
  610. vqppnmmpuz}~
  611. wpnpsw|
  612. }spqsrokhgfghlprw}
  613. |wsrv}
  614. wpnruvwx{
  615. xvuutttqnkjjmry
  616. }ywuux}
  617. |rnlkjhgfhknqtw{~~~|vmggikpv}
  618. ~}}|yvutsv|
  619. }xrnosw{
  620. ~xrkfefgimpsx~
  621. }zxy~
  622. zvroosz
  623. {xuqmklosvy{|}~
  624. }xtpoooprv{
  625. }xutsty~
  626. ysnlkjhgfgku
  627. ~ywvtrrsvz~
  628. ~zxvtrrtx}
  629. }xtqnnpqqomou|}{z~
  630. |{ywxy{}
  631. {tniggfefkszzuqprttsponnqx
  632. }xwxxwuuy
  633. ~{vqoooqtz
  634. xtqnlkigefks{
  635. }zwwz~
  636. |vpligdehkmpu{
  637. }vqopsttx
  638. |yvuw{
  639. }tkhiklllov|}}|{zwtrrstux~
  640. ~{ywtqqsy
  641. }xsmhfglpstx||yxy|
  642. }zwvspoqux{
  643. {slgeeefimooopqrstvwwvtrtz
  644. xwy{||~
  645. {upoprstw|
  646. |wsonljhhkpw~
  647. ~{vssw|
  648. ytojgfda^_bgkpw
  649. |wtsstvyzyxwy}
  650. |xux}
  651. |wqnnpqtwwwyz{|}|xsqpqrtx~
  652. }{ywttuw{
  653. ~wrmhdcfmsz~
  654. |yvvusokjkotz
  655. {upljhhjjiihgintxxxxyyxvux}
  656. ~zvsrqqqtw|
  657. ~xroonmmorv{
  658. ~zwtrtz
  659. }xqlihfc_\[]`dkt~
  660. ~{zz{|zvutttvz~
  661. ~|zz|
  662. ~|{zyyz|~
  663. }zyywwy|}{xussrrtx~
  664. }}}{yxy|
  665. |vpjggiowzz}
  666. }|{{{}
  667. |zyvrlhgiknt}
  668. }zvrpoqpkgeefhknqtvwxyxwxz~
  669. ~|xvttrqqsw}
  670. {wvvvtrqtxzxwz~
  671. ~~~~~
  672. ~yvsqpnje_[Z\^bhp{
  673. {vttuvy|~~}}~~}{{}
  674. {wttvyz|~
  675. }yxxy{{xtrrstuvy
  676. ~zz}}zyz}
  677. }|xrnknswxy{~
  678. zyy{}~
  679. |vnhghjnt{
  680. }{zwspqsrnjjjklortspoqtwxxz
  681. |vrpqqqrtw{{yxy{~
  682. ~zxy{|yvwxwtsuy}
  683. {wtrqrqme_\\_cgnv~
  684. ~zxxz{|}
  685. {wvx|
  686. ~{ytqoosx}
  687. ~zyz{ztpnoqtw|
  688. ~yvvxz{|}
  689. ~{yy{|{yyxwwy|}
  690. ~xqmklnrx
  691. zxxxvtrnkjkortssttrolmqw{~
  692. yrliikmsxzxutvz~
  693. {wwz}
  694. ~yurswz|}~
  695. }{z{{xtpnoqokfccdglrvwx|
  696. }xvx|
  697. ~{xwy|
  698. ~|yvrpopsy
  699. ~zzzyvrnnosz
  700. zvtuvvutvxyywwx{
  701. |xvx}
  702. ||||{xurrtx{}~~
  703. }yy{{wrmjkosuuuuutrqpqtz
  704. }zwsokhjmpqrrrsv{
  705. ~zxz~
  706. ~{wvwxyz{}
  707. ~}{yxy{{yuqppqqpoljjkklnqtx
  708. }|zz|~}|yvuuw|
  709. |xustuy{}
  710. ~}zyxvuuuvx{}
  711. ~zwtssqqsuvuvwx{~
  712. }zwwz}
  713. ~}}}|zxutuwxz}
  714. |wuuutqppqrsuwwvttuvwxyz{|||
  715. ~yutsqnkhhjmprtx}
  716. ~|zz|
  717. |zyyyz}
  718. |xvwz{yxxyxwwwwusrrqnjffhlpsw|
  719. |{{yusrtuvttw|
  720. ~zxxyxvssv|
  721. ~}~~{vrqsw{~
  722. |wtsqrtwxwutw{|{z{|~}zwx|
  723. }wqnnprsuy~
  724. yvx||xspnnpty||ywxyxurruy}~
  725. |yyxtmhddhlptx|
  726. ~|{{|
  727. ||}~{ywx{}}{yxxy{}}yutuuqkfcdhkosx~
  728. ~{{xsnlmptvxz~
  729. ~ywvuqnmpu{
  730. xrooquy~
  731. ~zwuttvy{{xuuwxvtsuxz|}~
  732. }vpkjklnquz
  733. ~~~|xtpnnorw|
  734. ~|{zxurqsvz}
  735. {unhddehlpu{
  736. |zyxxxy{}~~}||||||~}{yxtojeddfhkou|
  737. ~}|}~
  738. ~zvronopqsv{
  739. {wsomklosvy}
  740. xroopqty
  741. }zyyzzz{}}|zwtqoopsuwy{
  742. ~||}~
  743. zsmkjjijlpv}
  744. ysppqrsvz}
  745. }zwustvxz|~
  746. |ywwz|}~
  747. ypifeeegjnu{
  748. |zz{~
  749. ~yusrsvz}
  750. ~~~}{wsmhfffgilqx
  751. ~~~~~
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  753. }wqnllmpsuwy}
  754. ytqoopsx~
  755. }{{|~
  756. }{z{|}}}}{xtqnlkmosvy|
  757. }xsokihghjnu{
  758. {yxxyyz|~}|zzyyyyz{}
  759. ~zxwwvwxy{|~
  760. |vpjedcdhmt|
  761. ~{zyyyxy|
  762. ztqqrtuwz|}}}
  763. ~zxwwupliijlou{
  764. ~}|zvssssqomnqsux|
  765. zurqqpoprux{
  766. ytrqqsv|
  767. ~|zy{~
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  772. ~|zy{}
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  777. }yz}~{vqooqtvz
  778. }xsonprrpnmnpsux|
  779. wssrqpopsw|
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  783. {uniffghkptx|
  784. }zy{~
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  786. yvtsqoooqsuw{~
  787. {tnjhijmquy~
  788. yvtsrponoquy~
  789. }vsrrqppqrtw{
  790. }ywuvwz}
  791. }ytpmlmnnnoppqrvz
  792. ztqqqrsuwz}
  793. ~yusrsvx{~
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  795. ~|{xtpmlkkjjkmqu{
  796. |xsnjgfgjnruy{|{xvuvy|~
  797. zvtrqpooopqsvy|~
  798. ~yuqnllmqtx|
  799. {xvuqnllmoqtx~
  800. |zxurqqrstvy|
  801. ~{zxxz}
  802. |yvsssromlmoqstv{
  803. }{zxvuvwy|~
  804. }yvttuwyz{{zxwxzyxvw{
  805. |zywuutqmjikotx|
  806. |upnmmlkloqtuvvtsuwxxwxz
  807. }wqmkkmoopqstvx{
  808. }yxxwvttux{~
  809. {vpkhiknqsuy
  810. {uqnoruwyz|}
  811. ~|{z|
  812. ~{zywtqnllortvxz|
  813. |xutux{}
  814. ~{yxxxyyyxwtsqpprw~
  815. ~|yvspnnpsvy|
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  817. yupmkjjlmnoprsvy}
  818. ~yupmkkklnorux}
  819. }zwtsrrtvy{~
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  826. xsomkkjjjjlnprtvy}
  827. |yxwy|
  828. |wsomlkkklnquy~
  829. ~zwvwxyzz{|~
  830. }xtrqqsvz}
  831. }yvtssttvwz}
  832. {wuuvvvvvwy{~
  833. ~|||zuqmjijlqv{
  834. ~zwuuuuuvwy|
  835. }}}}}}
  836. ~||||{zzzyxwxz|}}~
  837. }xtqonpsx}
  838. xrmkjkllkjjkmpsv{~~~~
  839. }yvtuwz
  840. {wspnmmmllnpty~
  841. }zxxz|~
  842. zuqnllnqtxyz{}
  843. |zyxxxy{}~
  844. {xvuvwxxwvvx{
  845. }wqmkjiknrx~
  846. |{ywuuvvwwy|
  847. }zwuvy{|{||}}}}
  848. {vromlmorw|
  849. |wtqnmmnooonnquy{|||{{}
  850. }zxvuuwz
  851. |yxusponoopqty~
  852. ~}|{{}~
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  854. }zz{|~~
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  859. ~|{|}~
  860. }zwurqrtvyz{|~
  861. ~ytqolklnqv{
  862. }ywtrppprtvwz{|{zyyxwwxz|
  863. ~|zxwwx{}
  864. }{yxwusqqqrtwz}
  865. ~|{{|~
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  867. zuplhfefhlpw}
  868. ~||{{{|
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  875. {uqmkjkmpt{
  876. }zwtrqrsuwz
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  885. }|{{{|~
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  887. |ywwwy{}~
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  890. }{xusrrtx}
  891. ~zurpnoptx}
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  895. {vrnkjkmoqsvxz{}
  896. ~{yxy{
  897. ysnkihikpuz~
  898. }|{yxvvvwyz}
  899. }zwuuvyzzzzzzz{{ywtrrsux~
  900. |yvtuvvvwy|}
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  903. }{{zxwusromllnpsw|
  904. }{yxx{}~~~~~~
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  907. ~}}}~
  908. ~}||~
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  911. |xusrrsttuuvvwxy{||zyyz|~
  912. }{{|~
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  914. ~~}}}
  915. ~yurpoquy|||}
  916. |yxwwutrqnkihikot|
  917. }ywvwyzyyz{|}~
  918. ~}{zzz{|}}}|}~
  919. ~|zxwwxz|
  920. |ytqnllnprssux|
  921. }||||{zxwutsstvz
  922. |xtqppppoopruwy|
  923. }zxvuuttuvxxxwxz|~
  924. ~|zxxyz{{{{}
  925. |ywvuusrpnmmnoruy}
  926. }zyxxxxwxy{|~
  927. ~~~}}}|{{{{||~
  928. ~{yxwvwwwxyz{{|~
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  930. ~}|||||{zyxxyz{|~
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  932. }{ywvvvvuuuuuvwxz|
  933. ~~}}}}}~~~~~~~~~
  934. ~}|{{zzzyyxxxyz|}}~~
  935. ~}}||}}~
  936. ~~~}}}}~~~~~~~
  937. ~||{{{{{z{{|}~
  938. ~~}||{{{{{{|||||}}~
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  941. ~~}}}}}~~~~~~~}}}}~~~~~~~
  942. ~~~~~~~~~
  943. ~~~}}}}}}~~
  944. ~~}}}}}}~~~
  945. ~~~~~
  946. ~~}}}|||||||}}~
  947. ~~~~}}~~
  948. ~~~~~~~~
  949. ~~~~~~
  950. ~~~~~
  951. ~~~~~~
  952. ~~~~~~
  953. Accessories
  954. Write
  955. WRITE.EXE
  957. Paintbrush
  960. Terminal
  963. Notepad
  966. Recorder
  969. Cardfile
  972. Calendar
  975. Calculator
  976. CALC.EXE
  978. Clock
  979. CLOCK.EXE
  981. Object Packager
  984. Character Map
  987. Media Player
  990. Sound Recorder
  993. PMCCk
  994. File Manager
  997. Control Panel
  1000. Print Manager
  1003. Clipboard Viewer
  1006. MS-DOS Prompt
  1009. Windows Setup
  1010. SETUP.EXE
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  1016. README.WRI
  1017. write.exe
  1018. Upfront
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  1026. "unconventional2"
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  1028. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  1029. "wisconsindetail" = 
  1030. "acorndetail" = 
  1031. "ldetail" = 
  1032. "tcdetail" = 
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  1047. unconventional2
  1048. parkersville
  1049. parkersville
  1050. hearthstonedetail
  1051. hearthstonedetail
  1052. wisconsindetail
  1053. wisconsindetail
  1054. acorndetail
  1055. acorndetail
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  1059. TCdetail
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  1068. unconventional2
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  1070. hearthstonedetail
  1071. wisconsindetail
  1072. acorndetail
  1073. tcDetail
  1074. HStoneDetail
  1075. ldetail
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  1080. histStyles
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  1082. elementsNoTopics
  1083. architectNoTopics
  1084. questionnaireNoTopics
  1085. System
  1086. MS Sans Serif
  1087. MS Sans Serif
  1088. Script
  1089. System
  1090. MS Sans Serif
  1091. Script
  1092. MS Sans Serif
  1093. MS Sans Serif
  1094.  Sans Serif
  1095. hdmap
  1096. Tms Rmn
  1097. I;D&t
  1098. 9D&t=9D(t8
  1099. 9G&t?
  1100. r?x5P
  1101. $`<`u
  1102. $`<`u
  1103. J;TBr
  1104. !Vj5j
  1105. StackFrames
  1106. Drivers
  1107. DriverProc
  1108. wavemapper
  1109. auxMessage
  1110. wodMessage
  1111. widMessage
  1112. midimapper
  1113. modMessage
  1114. midMessage
  1115. system.ini
  1116. auxmapper
  1117. StackSize
  1118. mmsystem
  1119. joystick
  1120. timer
  1121. joystick.drv
  1122. Ht#Ht7HtKHt_
  1123. j<Phh
  1124. Htk9>
  1125. j6j8j
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  1186.  0bcR
  1187.  ~4Oq
  1188. Times New Roman
  1189. toolpalette
  1190. brushpalette
  1191. linepalette
  1192. patternpalette
  1193. polygonpalette
  1194. mainwindow
  1195. 0,100,0
  1196. 0,0,0
  1197. 0,50,100
  1198. 60,50,100
  1199. 120,50,100
  1200. 180,50,100
  1201. 240,50,100
  1202. 300,50,100
  1203. ToolBook
  1204. ScriptEditor
  1205. Script Editor
  1206. Could not find: 
  1207. to handle buttonUp
  1208. end buttonUp
  1209. Save changes to this script?
  1210. ToolBook ScriptVThis script has one or more syntax errors. No part of it will execute. Save it anyway?
  1211. Not enough memory
  1212. HSliderThumb
  1213. ___slidePos
  1214. VSliderThumb
  1215. ___slidePos
  1216. s___v
  1217. s___min
  1218. s___max
  1219. s___p
  1220. buttonUp
  1221. txClassName
  1222. HSliderThumb
  1223. sliderPosition
  1224. ___slidePos
  1225. ___snapSlider
  1226. VSliderThumb
  1227. sliderPosition
  1228. ___slidePos
  1229. ___snapSlider
  1230. s___v
  1231. s___min
  1232. s___max
  1233. s___p
  1234. ___setSliderLimits
  1235. txClassName
  1236. HSliderThumb
  1237. txClassName
  1238. VSliderThumb
  1239. height
  1240. width
  1241. glide
  1242. s___v
  1243. s___min
  1244. s___max
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  1246. sliderPosition
  1247. sliderPosition
  1248. group
  1249. txClassName
  1250. SliderThumb
  1251. o "___setSliderLimits
  1252. vSliderThumb
  1253. hSliderThumb
  1254. newPos
  1255. pOffset
  1256. OldMax
  1257. OldMin
  1258. thumb
  1259. s___min
  1260. s___max
  1261. ___snapSlider
  1262. detentList
  1263. catchRange
  1264. detents
  1265. thumb
  1266. tbkmmInitializeSystem
  1267. mmsystem.dll
  1268. mmsystem
  1269. killtbkmmsbk
  1270. tbkmm.dll
  1271. tbkmmloadextensions
  1272. tbkmmversion
  1273. tbkmmerrorstring
  1274. tbkMCI
  1275. tbkTimerStart
  1276. tbkTimerStop
  1277. tbkTimerCapability
  1278. MilliSecFromMSF
  1279. MilliSecFromHMS
  1280. MilliSecFromSMPTE
  1281. MSFFromMilliSec
  1282. HMSFromMilliSec
  1283. SMPTEFromMilliSec
  1284. TBKMM.DLL link failed
  1285. P*readdmm
  1286. tbkmmloadextensions
  1287. tbkmmerrorstring
  1288. s_mminit
  1289. s_mmdevices
  1290. System
  1291. 0    mes New Roman
  1292. MS Sans Serif
  1293. MS Sans Serif
  1294. Times New Roman
  1295. Arial
  1296. MS Sans Serif
  1297. Times New Roman
  1298. MS Sans Serif
  1299. MS Sans Serif
  1300. MS Sans Serif
  1301. MS Sans Serif
  1302. mes New Roman
  1303. MS Sans Serif
  1304. -- Complete House --
  1306. _ZY[X
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  1356. cadMap
  1357. :PHYSSIZE
  1359. cover1
  1360. mdMap
  1361. cadMap
  1362. cover
  1363.     Hide 
  1364. "cover"
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  1366. enterPage
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  1370. cover
  1371. leavePage
  1372. cover
  1373. enterPage
  1374. cover
  1375. cover
  1376. leavePage
  1377. cover
  1378. COMPLETE
  1379. HOUSE
  1380. Start
  1381. :PHYSSIZE
  1382. cover
  1383. cover
  1384. A multimedia exploration 
  1385. of American house designnnnnnnnnnnn
  1386. "cover1"
  1387. "main"
  1388. buttonUp
  1389. buttonUp
  1390. cover1
  1391. :PHYSSIZE
  1392. cover
  1393. cover
  1394. A multimedia exploration 
  1395. of American house designnnnnnnnnnnn
  1396. resourcesMap
  1397. :PHYSSIZE
  1399. (c) Copyright 1989-1991 Congruent Corporation(c) Copyright 1984-1990 Microsoft Corporation$Date: 91/09/10 22:43:11 $(c) Copyright 1990-1993 Western Digital Corporation
  1400. Western Digital Corporation, Chung-I Chiang, 1992
  1401. t    Ht Ht?Hu+
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  1419. winmouse
  1420. AccelerationProfile1
  1421. MouseType
  1422. PhoenixBios
  1423.     Language
  1424. RotationAngle
  1425. PrimaryButton
  1426. SecondaryButton
  1427. ClickLock
  1428. HorizontalSensitivity
  1429. VerticalSensitivity
  1430. ActiveAccelerationProfile
  1431. Label
  1432.     Movement
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  1548. A multimedia exploration 
  1549. of American house designnnnnnnnnnnn
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  1892.    double click on Glossary to flip to 
  1893.    the Glossary..
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  1897.    double click on Credits to flip to 
  1898.    that section....
  1899. Directions --
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  1902.    column.
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  1934. buttonUp
  1935. Previous
  1936. Bibliography --
  1937.    General Architecture
  1938.     Green Design
  1939.     History of Architecture
  1940.     Kitchen Design
  1941.     Bathroom Design
  1942.     Construction
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  1962. noTopics
  1963. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Invitation to Ideas to flip to that section.
  1964. System
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  1966. MS Sans Serif
  1967. MS Sans Serif
  1968. MS Sans Serif
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  2031. cover1
  2032. :PHYSSIZE
  2033. Deep River Publishing 
  2034.              Portland, Maine   
  2035. Copy Restriction
  2036. Complete House
  2037.         including CAD/FPP
  2038. Copyright      1992 Deep River Publishing, Inc.
  2039. (Run-time Files)
  2040. Copyright      1991 Asymetrix Corporation
  2041. All Rights Reserved
  2043. Copy Restriction
  2044. Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions contained in
  2045. the End-User License Agreement with Deep River Publishing, Inc..
  2046.  1992 Steven Brook (Photographer)
  2047. Robert A.M. Stern Architectss
  2048.  1992 Steven Brook (Photographer)
  2049. Robert A.M. Stern Architectss
  2050.     Pause 1 
  2051. enterPage
  2052. enterPage
  2053. p River Publishing, Inc., Portland, Maine.  Permission is granted to the user to print out questionnaires and drawings in the CAD/FP only.
  2054. All photos, plans, and text contained in Complete House are copyrighted.  Permission is granted to the user to print out questionnaires and drawings in the CAD/FP only.................................................the CAD/FP only............................................
  2055. "oneHouse"
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  2181. c"Help" 
  2182. "Index" 
  2183. tbkMCI("close waveFile","")
  2184. enterBook
  2185. leaveBook
  2186. enterBook
  2187. ~ ~!~"~#~$~%~&~'q
  2188. main.tbk
  2189. getstart.tbk
  2190. resrc.tbk
  2191. hdb.tbk
  2192. hdc.tbk
  2193. hde.tbk
  2194. hdf.tbk
  2195. hdg.tbk
  2196. hdh.tbk
  2197. hdm.tbk
  2198. hdn.tbk
  2199. hdo.tbk
  2200. hdp.tbk
  2201. hdslide.tbk
  2202. kitchn.tbk
  2203. kitch1.tbk
  2204. bath.tbk
  2205. md1hs1.tbk
  2206. md1hs2.tbk
  2207. md1hs3.tbk
  2208. md1hs4.tbk
  2209. md1hs5.tbk
  2210. md1gd1.tbk
  2211. md1gd2.tbk
  2212. md1gd3.tbk
  2213. md1pr1.tbk
  2214. md1pr2.tbk
  2215. md1pr3.tbk
  2216. md1pr4.tbk
  2217. md1pr5.tbk
  2218. md1con1.tbk
  2219. md1con2.tbk
  2220. md1con3.tbk
  2221. md1con4.tbk
  2222. md1con5.tbk
  2223. md1unc1.tbk
  2224. md1unc2.tbk
  2225. md1unc3.tbk
  2226. house.ico
  2227. wjlinkdlls
  2228. tbkmm.sbk
  2229. save as
  2230. import
  2231. export
  2232. print report
  2233. first
  2234. history
  2235. new page
  2236. search
  2237. Index
  2238. md1unc3Path
  2239. md1unc2Path
  2240. md1unc1Path
  2241. md1con5Path
  2242. md1con4Path
  2243. md1con3Path
  2244. md1con2Path
  2245. md1con1Path
  2246. md1pr5Path
  2247. md1pr4Path
  2248. md1pr3Path
  2249. md1pr2Path
  2250. md1pr1Path
  2251. md1gd3Path
  2252. md1gd2Path
  2253. md1gd1Path
  2254. md1hs5Path
  2255. md1hs4Path
  2256. md1hs3Path
  2257. md1hs2Path
  2258. md1hs1Path
  2259. bathPath
  2260. kitch1Path
  2261. kitchnPath
  2262. hdslidePath
  2263. hdpPath
  2264. hdoPath
  2265. hdnPath
  2266. hdmPath
  2267. hdhPath
  2268. hdgPath
  2269. hdfPath
  2270. hdePath
  2271. hdcPath
  2272. hdbPath
  2273. resrcPath
  2274. getstartPath
  2275. mainPath
  2276. isSoundPlaying
  2277. BookPath
  2278. leaveBook
  2279. close waveFile
  2280. tbkMCI
  2281. isSoundPlaying
  2282.     ign
  2283.    Categories of Houses
  2284.    On to Construction
  2285. "highStyle2"
  2286. "invitation"
  2287. "greenDesign2"
  2288. "conventional2"
  2289. "unconventional2"
  2290. "parkersville"
  2291. "periodRevival2"
  2292. 4md1pr3Path
  2293. "pr_hearth" 
  2294. buttonUp
  2295. buttonDoubleClick
  2296. buttonUp
  2297. highStyle2
  2298. invitation
  2299. greenDesign2
  2300. conventional2
  2301. unconventional2
  2302. parkersville
  2303. periodRevival2
  2304. buttonDoubleClick
  2305. pr_hearth
  2306. md1pr3Path
  2307.   Period Revival Design
  2308. 4md1con5Path
  2309. "c_lindal2" 
  2310. "highStyle2"
  2311. "invitationnoTopics"
  2312. "periodRevival2"
  2313. "greenDesign2"
  2314. "parkersville"
  2315. "unconventional2"
  2316. DoubleClick
  2317. buttonDoubleClick
  2318. buttonUp
  2319. buttonDoubleClick
  2320. c_lindal2
  2321. md1con5Path
  2322. buttonUp
  2323. highStyle2
  2324. invitationnoTopics
  2325. periodRevival2
  2326. greenDesign2
  2327. parkersville
  2328. unconventional2
  2329. conventional2
  2330.   Conventional Design
  2331. 4md1unc3Path
  2332. "un_helix2" 
  2333. "highStyle2"
  2334. "invitationnoTopics"
  2335. "periodRevival2"
  2336. "conventional2"
  2337. "greenDesign2"
  2338. "parkersville"
  2339. "unconventional2"
  2340. DoubleClick
  2341. buttonDoubleClick
  2342. buttonUp
  2343. buttonDoubleClick
  2344. un_helix2
  2345. md1unc3Path
  2346. buttonUp
  2347. highStyle2
  2348. invitationnoTopics
  2349. periodRevival2
  2350. conventional2
  2351. greenDesign2
  2352. parkersville
  2353. unconventional2
  2354.   Unconventional Designn
  2355. InvitationNoTopics
  2356. Invitation to Ideas --
  2357. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Invitation to Ideas to flip to that section.
  2358. highStyle2
  2359. High Style Design --
  2360.   Alamo Cement House
  2361.   Bedford House
  2362.   Berkowitz-Odgis House
  2363.   Canyon Lake House
  2364.   Goldberg-Bean House
  2365.   Hewlett Harbor House
  2366.   Lazarus House
  2367.   Locke House
  2368.   MacDonald Starter Home
  2369.   McKim House
  2370.   Oxley House
  2371.   Plocek House
  2372.   Post-Earthquake House
  2373.   Sea Ranch
  2374.   Shipley Street
  2375.   Smith Cabin
  2376.   Tanglewood House
  2377.   Wyeth House
  2378. alamo
  2379. 4md1hs1Path
  2380. "hs_alam" 
  2381. buttonUp
  2382. buttonUp
  2383. hs_alam
  2384. md1hs1Path
  2385. bedford
  2386. 4md1hs2Path
  2387. "hs_bedf" 
  2388. buttonUp
  2389. buttonUp
  2390. hs_bedf
  2391. md1hs2Path
  2392. hs_berk
  2393. 4md1hs1Path
  2394. "hs_berk2" 
  2395. buttonUp
  2396. buttonUp
  2397. hs_berk2
  2398. md1hs1Path
  2399. canyon
  2400. 4md1hs3Path
  2401. "hs_cany" 
  2402. buttonUp
  2403. buttonUp
  2404. hs_cany
  2405. md1hs3Path
  2406. goldberg
  2407. 4md1hs1Path
  2408. "hs_gb" 
  2409. buttonUp
  2410. buttonUp
  2411. hs_gb
  2412. md1hs1Path
  2413. hewlett
  2414. 4md1hs5Path
  2415. "hs_hh" 
  2416. buttonUp
  2417. buttonUp
  2418. hs_hh
  2419. md1hs5Path
  2420. lazarus
  2421. 4md1hs2Path
  2422. "hs_laz" 
  2423. buttonUp
  2424. buttonUp
  2425. hs_laz
  2426. md1hs2Path
  2427. locke
  2428. 4md1hs4Path
  2429. "hs_lock" 
  2430. buttonUp
  2431. buttonUp
  2432. hs_lock
  2433. md1hs4Path
  2434. macDonald
  2435. 4md1hs4Path
  2436. "hs_macd" 
  2437. buttonUp
  2438. buttonUp
  2439. hs_macd
  2440. md1hs4Path
  2441. mcKim
  2442. 4md1hs2Path
  2443. "hs_mcKim" 
  2444. buttonUp
  2445. buttonUp
  2446. hs_mcKim
  2447. md1hs2Path
  2448. oxley
  2449. 4md1hs3Path
  2450. "hs_ox" 
  2451. buttonUp
  2452. buttonUp
  2453. hs_ox
  2454. md1hs3Path
  2455. plocek
  2456. 4md1hs1Path
  2457. "hs_ploc" 
  2458. buttonUp
  2459. buttonUp
  2460. hs_ploc
  2461. md1hs1Path
  2462. postQuake
  2463. 4md1hs2Path
  2464. "hs_post" 
  2465. buttonUp
  2466. buttonUp
  2467. hs_post
  2468. md1hs2Path
  2469. 4md1hs3Path
  2470. "hs_sr" 
  2471. buttonUp
  2472. buttonUp
  2473. hs_sr
  2474. md1hs3Path
  2475. shipley
  2476. 4md1hs4Path
  2477. "hs_ship" 
  2478. buttonUp
  2479. buttonUp
  2480. hs_ship
  2481. md1hs4Path
  2482. smith
  2483. 4md1hs5Path
  2484. "hs_smith" 
  2485. buttonUp
  2486. buttonUp
  2487. hs_smith
  2488. md1hs5Path
  2489. tanglewood
  2490. 4md1hs5Path
  2491. "hs_tang" 
  2492. buttonUp
  2493. buttonUp
  2494. hs_tang
  2495. md1hs5Path
  2496. wyeth
  2497. 4md1hs3Path
  2498. "hs_wyeth" 
  2499. buttonUp
  2500. buttonUp
  2501. hs_wyeth
  2502. md1hs3Path
  2503. greenDesign2
  2504. Green Design --
  2505.    Acorn Structures, Inc.
  2506.     Alamo Cement House
  2507.     Arroyo House
  2508.     Bedford House
  2509.     Brugler House
  2510.     Canyon Lake House
  2511.     Carpenter House
  2512.     Rosenbaum House
  2513.     Sea Ranch
  2514.     Solar Home
  2515. acorn
  2516. 4md1gd3Path
  2517. "gd_acor" 
  2518. buttonUp
  2519. buttonUp
  2520. gd_acor
  2521. md1gd3Path
  2522. alamo
  2523. 4md1gd1Path
  2524. "gd_alam" 
  2525. buttonUp
  2526. buttonUp
  2527. gd_alam
  2528. md1gd1Path
  2529. arroyo
  2530. 4md1gd2Path
  2531. "gd_arr" 
  2532. buttonUp
  2533. buttonUp
  2534. gd_arr
  2535. md1gd2Path
  2536. bedford
  2537. 4md1gd1Path
  2538. "gd_bedf" 
  2539. buttonUp
  2540. buttonUp
  2541. gd_bedf
  2542. md1gd1Path
  2543. brugler
  2544. 4md1gd2Path
  2545. "gd_brug" 
  2546. buttonUp
  2547. buttonUp
  2548. gd_brug
  2549. md1gd2Path
  2550. canyon
  2551. 4md1gd1Path
  2552. "gd_cany" 
  2553. buttonUp
  2554. buttonUp
  2555. gd_cany
  2556. md1gd1Path
  2557. carpenter
  2558. 4md1gd1Path
  2559. "gd_carp2" 
  2560. buttonUp
  2561. buttonUp
  2562. gd_carp2
  2563. md1gd1Path
  2564. rosenbaum
  2565. 4md1gd2Path
  2566. "gd_ros" 
  2567. buttonUp
  2568. buttonUp
  2569. gd_ros
  2570. md1gd2Path
  2571. 4md1gd1Path
  2572. "gd_sr" 
  2573. buttonUp
  2574. buttonUp
  2575. gd_sr
  2576. md1gd1Path
  2577. solar
  2578. 4md1gd2Path
  2579. "gd_sol" 
  2580. buttonUp
  2581. buttonUp
  2582. gd_sol
  2583. md1gd2Path
  2584. periodRevival2
  2585. Period Revival --
  2586.    Benson Woodworking Co.
  2587.    Chestnut Hill - New Residence
  2588.     Chestnut Hill Renovation
  2589.     Hearthstone Timberframe
  2590.     Hewlett Harbor House
  2591.     McKim House
  2592.     Parkersville Collection
  2593.     Smith Cabin
  2594.     Wisconsin Log Homes, Inc.
  2595.     Wyeth House
  2596. benson
  2597. 4md1pr5Path
  2598. "pr_bens" 
  2599. buttonUp
  2600. buttonUp
  2601. pr_bens
  2602. md1pr5Path
  2603. chestnutNew
  2604. 4md1pr2Path
  2605. "pr_ch_new" 
  2606. buttonUp
  2607. buttonUp
  2608. pr_ch_new
  2609. md1pr2Path
  2610. chestnutRen
  2611. 4md1pr1Path
  2612. "pr_ch_ren" 
  2613. buttonUp
  2614. buttonUp
  2615. pr_ch_ren
  2616. md1pr1Path
  2617. hearthstone
  2618. 4md1pr3Path
  2619. "pr_hearth" 
  2620. buttondoubleclick
  2621. buttondoubleclick
  2622. pr_hearth
  2623. md1pr3Path
  2624. hewlett
  2625. 4md1pr1Path
  2626. "pr_hh" 
  2627. buttonUp
  2628. buttonUp
  2629. pr_hh
  2630. md1pr1Path
  2631. mckim
  2632. 4md1pr2Path
  2633. "pr_mckim" 
  2634. buttonUp
  2635. buttonUp
  2636. pr_mckim
  2637. md1pr2Path
  2638. parkersville
  2639. 4md1pr4Path
  2640. "pr_park2" 
  2641. "parkersville"
  2642. doubleclick
  2643. buttondoubleclick
  2644. buttonUp
  2645. buttondoubleclick
  2646. pr_park2
  2647. md1pr4Path
  2648. buttonUp
  2649. parkersville
  2650. smith
  2651. 4md1pr2Path
  2652. "pr_smith" 
  2653. buttonUp
  2654. buttonUp
  2655. pr_smith
  2656. md1pr2Path
  2657. wisconsin
  2658. 4md1pr5Path
  2659. "pr_wisc" 
  2660. buttonUp
  2661. buttonUp
  2662. pr_wisc
  2663. md1pr5Path
  2664. wyeth
  2665. 4md1pr1Path
  2666. "pr_wyeth" 
  2667. buttonUp
  2668. buttonUp
  2669. pr_wyeth
  2670. md1pr1Path
  2671. conventional2
  2672. Conventional Design --
  2673.    Acorn Structures
  2674.     Bedford House
  2675.     Benson Woodworking Co.
  2676.     Chestnut Hill - New Residence
  2677.     Chestnut Hill - Renovation
  2678.     Hearthstone Timberframe
  2679.     Hewlett Harbor House
  2680.     Lindal Cedar Homes, Inc.
  2681.     Rosenbaum House
  2682.     Town & Country Cedar Homes
  2683.     Wyeth House
  2684. acorn
  2685. 4md1con4Path
  2686. "c_Acorn" 
  2687. buttonUp
  2688. buttonUp
  2689. c_Acorn
  2690. md1con4Path
  2691. bedford
  2692. 4md1con2Path
  2693. "c_bedf" 
  2694. buttonUp
  2695. buttonUp
  2696. c_bedf
  2697. md1con2Path
  2698. benson
  2699. 4md1con4Path
  2700. "c_benson" 
  2701. buttonUp
  2702. buttonUp
  2703. c_benson
  2704. md1con4Path
  2705. chestnutNew
  2706. 4md1con1Path
  2707. "c_ch_new" 
  2708. buttonUp
  2709. buttonUp
  2710. c_ch_new
  2711. md1con1Path
  2712. chestnutRen
  2713. 4md1con2Path
  2714. "c_ch_ren" 
  2715. buttonUp
  2716. buttonUp
  2717. c_ch_ren
  2718. md1con2Path
  2719. hearthstone
  2720. 4md1con3Path
  2721. "c_hrthS" 
  2722. buttonUp
  2723. buttonUp
  2724. c_hrthS
  2725. md1con3Path
  2726. hewlett
  2727. 4md1con1Path
  2728. "c_hewhar" 
  2729. buttonUp
  2730. buttonUp
  2731. c_hewhar
  2732. md1con1Path
  2733. lindal
  2734. 4md1con5Path
  2735. "c_lindal2" 
  2736. 8md1con5path
  2737. buttonUp
  2738. buttonUp
  2739. c_lindal2
  2740. md1con5path
  2741. md1con5Path
  2742. rosenbaum
  2743. 4md1con2Path
  2744. "c_rosenb" 
  2745. buttonUp
  2746. buttonUp
  2747. c_rosenb
  2748. md1con2Path
  2749. 4md1con5Path
  2750. "c_tc" 
  2751. buttonUp
  2752. buttonUp
  2753. md1con5Path
  2754. wyeth
  2755. 4md1con1Path
  2756. "c_wyeth" 
  2757. buttonUp
  2758. buttonUp
  2759. c_wyeth
  2760. md1con1Path
  2761. unconventional2
  2762. Unconventional Design --
  2763.    Alamo Cement House
  2764.     Bedford House
  2765.     Geodesic Domes, Inc.
  2766.     Helix Structures
  2767.     MacDonald Starter Home
  2768.     Oxley House
  2769.     Post-Earthquake House
  2770. alamo
  2771. 4md1unc1Path
  2772. "un_alam" 
  2773. buttonUp
  2774. buttonUp
  2775. un_alam
  2776. md1unc1Path
  2777. bedford
  2778. 4md1unc1Path
  2779. "un_bedf" 
  2780. buttonUp
  2781. buttonUp
  2782. un_bedf
  2783. md1unc1Path
  2784. geodesic
  2785. 4md1unc3Path
  2786. "un_geod" 
  2787. buttonUp
  2788. buttonUp
  2789. un_geod
  2790. md1unc3Path
  2791. helix
  2792. 4md1unc3Path
  2793. "un_helix2" 
  2794. buttonUp
  2795. buttonUp
  2796. un_helix2
  2797. md1unc3Path
  2798. macdonald
  2799. 4md1unc2Path
  2800. "un_mac" 
  2801. buttonUp
  2802. buttonUp
  2803. un_mac
  2804. md1unc2Path
  2805. oxley
  2806. 4md1unc1Path
  2807. "un_ox" 
  2808. buttonUp
  2809. buttonUp
  2810. un_ox
  2811. md1unc1Path
  2812. postQuake
  2813. 4md1unc1Path
  2814. "un_post" 
  2815. buttonUp
  2816. buttonUp
  2817. un_post
  2818. md1unc1Path
  2819. Directions --
  2820. Single click on a title to display
  2821.    a list of topics in the next 
  2822.    column.
  2823. Double click on a title in any 
  2824.    column to go directly to that 
  2825.    section...
  2826. 4mainPath
  2827. "hdMap" 
  2828. buttonUp
  2829. buttonUp
  2830. hdMap
  2831. mainPath
  2832. House Design Map
  2833. 4mainPath
  2834. "kbmap" 
  2835. buttonUp
  2836. buttonUp
  2837. kbmap
  2838. mainPath
  2839. Kitchen & Bath Map
  2840. 4mainPath
  2841. "resourcesMap"
  2842. buttonUp
  2843. buttonUp
  2844. resourcesMap
  2845. mainPath
  2846. Resources Map
  2847. 4mainPath
  2848. buttonUp
  2849. buttonUp
  2850. mainPath
  2851. BUTTONUP
  2852. BUTTONUP
  2853. BUTTONUP
  2854. buttonUp
  2855. buttonUp
  2856. Previous
  2857. Parkersville
  2858. Parkersville Collection  -- 
  2859.   Aunt Marion Cope's House
  2860.   Captain McNall's River House
  2861.   Charlotte Corbin's Cottage
  2862.   Colonel Kenneth Harley's Home Place
  2863.   Huck Smith's Farmhouse
  2864.   Judge Daniel Cowart's House
  2865.   Katherine Mizel's Country House
  2866.   Professor Gordon's Village House
  2867.   Robin Hardy's Bungalow
  2868.   The Bruce Gordon House
  2869.   The Douglas Family House
  2870.   Uncle Henry Cottrell's Placeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  2871. AuntMarion
  2872. 4md1pr4Path
  2873. "AuntMarion" 
  2874. buttonUp
  2875. buttonUp
  2876. AuntMarion
  2877. md1pr4Path
  2878. CaptainMcNall
  2879. 4md1pr4Path
  2880. "CaptainMcNall" 
  2881. buttonUp
  2882. buttonUp
  2883. CaptainMcNall
  2884. md1pr4Path
  2885. 4md1pr4Path
  2886. "Charlotte" 
  2887. buttonUp
  2888. buttonUp
  2889. Charlotte
  2890. md1pr4Path
  2891. 4md1pr4Path
  2892. "Kenneth" 
  2893. buttonUp
  2894. buttonUp
  2895. Kenneth
  2896. md1pr4Path
  2897. 4md1pr4Path
  2898. "HuckSmith" 
  2899. buttonUp
  2900. buttonUp
  2901. HuckSmith
  2902. md1pr4Path
  2903. 4md1pr4Path
  2904. "DanielCowart" 
  2905. buttonUp
  2906. buttonUp
  2907. DanielCowart
  2908. md1pr4Path
  2909. 4md1pr4Path
  2910. "Mizel" 
  2911. buttonUp
  2912. buttonUp
  2913. Mizel
  2914. md1pr4Path
  2915. 4md1pr4Path
  2916. "Gordon" 
  2917. buttonUp
  2918. buttonUp
  2919. Gordon
  2920. md1pr4Path
  2921. 4md1pr4Path
  2922. "Robin" 
  2923. buttonUp
  2924. buttonUp
  2925. Robin
  2926. md1pr4Path
  2927. 4md1pr4Path
  2928. "BruceGordon" 
  2929. buttonUp
  2930. buttonUp
  2931. BruceGordon
  2932. md1pr4Path
  2933. 4md1pr4Path
  2934. "Douglas" 
  2935. buttonUp
  2936. buttonUp
  2937. Douglas
  2938. md1pr4Path
  2939. 4md1pr4Path
  2940. "HenryCottrell" 
  2941. buttonUp
  2942. buttonUp
  2943. HenryCottrell
  2944. md1pr4Path
  2945. HearthstoneDetail
  2946. Hearthstone Timberframe
  2947.   Cheyenne
  2948.    Ipswich
  2949.    Parson Capon
  2950.    Shadwell
  2951. Cheyenne
  2952. 4md1pr3Path
  2953. "Cheyenne" 
  2954. buttonUp
  2955. buttonUp
  2956. Cheyenne
  2957. md1pr3Path
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  2959. Previous
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  2962. "noTopics"
  2963. "firstSteps"
  2964. "workCenters"
  2965. "sampleKitchens"
  2966. "firstKitchen"
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  2970. "batheSamples"
  2971.     Hide 
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  2985. batheSamples
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  2995. batheFirst
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  2997. batheSamples
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  3007. batheSamples
  3008. batheAreas
  3009. buttonDoubleClick
  3010. showr
  3011. bathPath
  3012. :PHYSSIZE
  3013. KITCHEN & BATH
  3014. 4kitchnPath
  3015. "plan" 
  3016. "bathrooms"
  3017. "kitchens"
  3018. "batheFirst"
  3019. "batheAreas"
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  3024. buttonDoubleClick
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  3026. buttonUp
  3027. bathrooms
  3028. kitchens
  3029. batheFirst
  3030. batheAreas
  3031. batheSamples
  3032.   Places for Cooking
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  3035. "firstKitchen"
  3036. "workCenters"
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  3044. buttonDoubleClick
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  3046. firstKitchen
  3047. workCenters
  3048. sampleKitchens
  3049. noTopic
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  3051. bathPath
  3052. buttonUp
  3053. kitchens
  3054. firstKitchen
  3055. workCenters
  3056. sampleKitchens
  3057. noTopic
  3058. bathrooms
  3059.   Places to Bathe
  3060. kitchens
  3061. Places for Cooking --
  3062. First Steps in Kitchen Design
  3063. Work Centers
  3064. Sample Kitchen Layouts
  3065. Prize Winners
  3066. firstKitchen
  3067. "noTopics"
  3068. "sampleKitchens"
  3069. "workCenters"
  3070. "batheAreas"
  3071. "batheSamples"
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  3084. FirstKitchen
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  3141. buttonUp
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  3143. workCenters
  3144. noTopic
  3145. buttonDoubleClick
  3146. prize
  3147. kitch1Path
  3148. BatheFirst
  3149. First Steps in Bathroom Design -
  3150.    Introduction
  3151.    History of Bathrooms
  3152.    Bathroom Locations
  3153.    Space Allotment in Bathrooms
  3154.    Bathroom Design Questionss
  3155. batheIntro
  3156. 4bathPath
  3157. "intro" 
  3158. buttonUp
  3159. buttonUp
  3160. intro
  3161. bathPath
  3162. batheHistory
  3163. 4bathPath
  3164. "hist" 
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  3166. buttonUp
  3167. bathPath
  3168. batheLocations
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  3170. "loc" 
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  3172. buttonUp
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  3175. 4bathPath
  3176. buttonUp
  3177. buttonUp
  3178. space
  3179. bathPath
  3180. batheDesign
  3181. 4bathPath
  3182. "quest" 
  3183. buttonUp
  3184. buttonUp
  3185. quest
  3186. bathPath
  3187. bathrooms
  3188. Places to Bathe --
  3189. First Steps in Bathroom Design
  3190. Bathroom Areas
  3191. Sample Bathroom Layouts
  3192. bath1
  3193. "batheAreas"
  3194. "batheSamples"
  3195. "firstKitchen"
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  3206. firstKitchen
  3207. noTopic
  3208. noTopics
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  3211. intro
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  3213. bath2
  3214. "batheFirst"
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  3216. "batheAreas"
  3217. 4bathPath
  3218. buttonUp
  3219. buttonDoubleClick
  3220. buttonUp
  3221. batheFirst
  3222. batheSamples
  3223. batheAreas
  3224. buttonDoubleClick
  3225. Areas
  3226. bathPath
  3227. bath3
  3228. "batheFirst"
  3229. "batheAreas"
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  3232. "onewall" 
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  3234. buttonDoubleClick
  3235. buttonUp
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  3237. batheAreas
  3238. batheSamples
  3239. buttonDoubleClick
  3240. onewall
  3241. bathPath
  3242. firstKitchen
  3243. T!L Q!
  3244. First Steps in Kitchen Design --
  3245.   Plan to Enjoy
  3246.    History of Kitchens
  3247.    Location in the House
  3248.    Nearby Areas
  3249.    Open or Closed
  3250.    Entrances and Traffic Patterns
  3251.    Space Allotment
  3252.    Who are the Cooks?
  3253.    Inventory Wish List
  3254. plantoEnjoy
  3255. 4kitchnPath
  3256. "plan" 
  3257. buttonUp
  3258. buttonUp
  3259. kitchnPath
  3260. historyKitchens
  3261. 4kitchnPath
  3262. "hist" 
  3263. buttonUp
  3264. buttonUp
  3265. kitchnPath
  3266. locationHouse
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  3268. "loc" 
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  3270. buttonUp
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  3272. nearbyAreas
  3273. 4kitchnPath
  3274. "nearby" 
  3275. buttonUp
  3276. buttonUp
  3277. nearby
  3278. kitchnPath
  3279. openClosed
  3280. 4kitchnPath
  3281. "openClose" 
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  3283. buttonUp
  3284. openClose
  3285. kitchnPath
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  3287. 4kitchnPath
  3288. "entTraf" 
  3289. buttonUp
  3290. buttonUp
  3291. entTraf
  3292. kitchnPath
  3293. spaceAllotment
  3294. 4kitchnPath
  3295. buttonUp
  3296. buttonUp
  3297. space
  3298. kitchnPath
  3299. whoCooks
  3300. 4kitchnPath
  3301. "who" 
  3302. buttonUp
  3303. buttonUp
  3304. kitchnPath
  3305. inventory
  3306. 4kitchnPath
  3307. "inv" 
  3308. buttonUp
  3309. buttonUp
  3310. kitchnPath
  3311. workCenters
  3312. .*F)+*
  3313. Work Centers --
  3314.   Work Flow
  3315.    Entrance from Outside
  3316.    Refrigerator and Food Storage
  3317.    Sink and Cleanup
  3318.    Range, Oven and Cooking
  3319.    Serving Areas
  3320.    Eating Areas
  3321.    Phone and Desk Area
  3322.    Laundry Area
  3323. workFlow
  3324. 4kitchnPath
  3325. "workFl" 
  3326. buttonUp
  3327. buttonUp
  3328. workFl
  3329. kitchnPath
  3330. entOut
  3331. 4kitchnPath
  3332. "entOut" 
  3333. buttonUp
  3334. buttonUp
  3335. entOut
  3336. kitchnPath
  3337. 4kitchnPath
  3338. "refrig" 
  3339. buttonUp
  3340. buttonUp
  3341. refrig
  3342. kitchnPath
  3343. 4kitchnPath
  3344. "sink" 
  3345. buttonUp
  3346. buttonUp
  3347. kitchnPath
  3348. range
  3349. 4kitchnPath
  3350. "range" 
  3351. buttonUp
  3352. buttonUp
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  3355. servingAreas
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  3358. buttonUp
  3359. buttonUp
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  3364. "eat" 
  3365. buttonUp
  3366. buttonUp
  3367. kitchnPath
  3368. phoneDesk
  3369. 4kitchnPath
  3370. "phone" 
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  3372. buttonUp
  3373. phone
  3374. kitchnPath
  3375. laundry
  3376. 4kitchnPath
  3377. "laund" 
  3378. buttonUp
  3379. buttonUp
  3380. laund
  3381. kitchnPath
  3382. sampleKitchens
  3383. Sample Kitchen Layouts --
  3384.    One Wall Cooking Area
  3385.     Corridor or Galley Cooking Area
  3386.     L-Shaped Cooking Area
  3387.     U-Shaped Cooking Area
  3388.     Combined Cooking,  Eating, and 
  3389.        Living Places
  3390.     Islands
  3391.     Peninsulass
  3392. oneWall
  3393. 4kitchnPath
  3394. "oneWall" 
  3395. buttonUp
  3396. buttonUp
  3397. oneWall
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  3402. 8kitchnpath
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  3404. buttonUp
  3405. kitchnpath
  3406. kitchnPath
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  3408. 4kitchnPath
  3409. "LShp" 
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  3411. buttonUp
  3412. kitchnPath
  3413. UShapedAreas
  3414. 4kitchnPath
  3415. "UShp" 
  3416. buttonUp
  3417. buttonUp
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  3419. combined
  3420. 4kitchnPath
  3421. "comb" 
  3422. buttonUp
  3423. buttonUp
  3424. kitchnPath
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  3426. 4kitch1Path
  3427. "isl" 
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  3429. buttonUp
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  3432. 4kitch1Path
  3433. "pen" 
  3434. buttonUp
  3435. buttonUp
  3436. kitch1Path
  3437. noTopic
  3438. Prize Winners --
  3439.   No sub-topics for this section.  
  3440.    Please double click on Prize 
  3441.    Winners to flip to that section.
  3442. batheAreas
  3443. Bathroom Areas --
  3444.    Shower & Tub Area
  3445.     Toilet Area
  3446.     Sink and Mirror Area
  3447.     Storage Space
  3448. shower
  3449. 4bathPath
  3450. "showr" 
  3451. buttonUp
  3452. buttonUp
  3453. showr
  3454. bathPath
  3455. toilet
  3456. 4bathPath
  3457. "toilet" 
  3458. buttonUp
  3459. buttonUp
  3460. toilet
  3461. bathPath
  3462. 4bathPath
  3463. "sink" 
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  3465. buttonUp
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  3467. storage
  3468. 4bathPath
  3469. "storage" 
  3470. buttonUp
  3471. buttonUp
  3472. storage
  3473. bathPath
  3474. batheSamples
  3475. Sample Bathroom Layouts -
  3476.    One Wall Bathroom
  3477.     Corridor Bathroom
  3478.     L-Shaped Bathroom
  3479.     U-Shaped Bathroom
  3480.     Compartmentalized Bathroom
  3481. BathOneWall
  3482. 4bathPath
  3483. "OneWall" 
  3484. buttonUp
  3485. buttonUp
  3486. OneWall
  3487. bathPath
  3488. batheCorridor
  3489.     3A_0
  3490. 4bathPath
  3491. "corr" 
  3492. 8bathpath
  3493. buttonUp
  3494. buttonUp
  3495. bathpath
  3496. bathPath
  3497. batheLShaped
  3498. 4bathPath
  3499. "LShp" 
  3500. buttonUp
  3501. buttonUp
  3502. bathPath
  3503. batheUShape
  3504. 4bathPath
  3505. "UShp" 
  3506. buttonUp
  3507. buttonUp
  3508. bathPath
  3509. batheCompartment
  3510. 4bathPath
  3511. "compt" 
  3512. buttonUp
  3513. buttonUp
  3514. compt
  3515. bathPath
  3516. Directions --
  3517. Single click on a title to display
  3518.    a list of topics in the next 
  3519.    column.
  3520. Double click on a title in any 
  3521.    column to go directly to that 
  3522.    section.
  3523. 4mainPath
  3524. "hdmap" 
  3525. buttonUp
  3526. buttonUp
  3527. hdmap
  3528. mainPath
  3529. House Design Map
  3530. 4mainPath
  3531. "map" 
  3532. buttonUp
  3533. buttonUp
  3534. mainPath
  3535. Mag. of Designs Map
  3536. 4mainPath
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  3539. buttonUp
  3540. resourcesMap
  3541. mainPath
  3542. Resources Map
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  3545. buttonUp
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  3547. BUTTONUP
  3548. BUTTONUP
  3549. BUTTONUP
  3550. buttonUp
  3551. buttonUp
  3552. Previous
  3553. cover1
  3554. :PHYSSIZE
  3555. Deep River Publishing 
  3556.              Portland, Maine   
  3557. Complete House
  3558.         including CAD/FPP
  3559. Copyright      1992 Deep River Publishing, Inc.
  3560. (Run-time Files)
  3561. Copyright      1991 Asymetrix Corporation
  3562. All Rights Reserved
  3564. Copy Restriction
  3565. Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions contained in
  3566. the End-User License Agreement with Deep River Publishing, Inc..
  3567.  1992 Steven Brook (Photographer)
  3568. Robert A.M. Stern Architectss
  3569.  1992 Steven Brook (Photographer)
  3570. Robert A.M. Stern Architectss
  3571.     Pause 1 
  3572. enterPage
  3573. enterPage
  3574. Copy Restriction
  3575. All photos, plans, and text contained in Complete House are copyrighted.  Permission is granted to the user to print out questionnaires and drawings in the CAD/FP only.................................................the CAD/FP only............................................
  3576. 4BookPath
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  3735. BUTTONUP
  3736. BUTTONUP
  3737. ownerSchools
  3738. Owner/Builder Schools --
  3739.   Welcome to School!
  3740.    Heartwood
  3741.    Owner Builder Center (CA)
  3742.    Owner Builder Center (TX)
  3743.    Shelter Institute
  3744.    Southface Energy Institute
  3745.    Southwest Solaradobe School
  3746.    Upper Loft Design, Inc.
  3747.    Yestermorrow
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  3787. buttonUp
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  3794. buttonUp
  3795. southwest
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  5044. 4hdePath
  5045. 4hdfPath
  5046. 4hdgPath
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  5050. 4hdoPath
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  5057. 4md1hs2Path
  5058. 4md1hs3Path
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  5060. 4md1hs5Path
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  5119. md1hs2.tbk
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  5121. md1hs4.tbk
  5122. md1hs5.tbk
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  5137. md1unc2.tbk
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  5139. house.ico
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  5142. md1unc2Path
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  5169. hdmPath
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  5173. hdePath
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  5185. Complete House
  5186. The major sections of Complete House are listed below.
  5187.       Double click on a centered icon to flip to the beginning of the section.
  5188.       Click on a map icon in the lower right corner of a box to see a map of section topics.
  5189.                tion.
  5190.        box to see a map of the topics within the section.
  5192. Q    )";
  5193.    Getting Started
  5194.     House Design
  5195.    Kitchen & Bath Designn
  5196.    Magazine of  Designsns
  5197.            CAD/FP   
  5198. X    0    U    
  5199.        Resourcesed
  5200. getStarted
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  5316.   One Complete House
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  5414. makingPlaces
  5415. hdcPath
  5416.    Principles of Design
  5417.    Categories of Houses
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  5516.   On to Construction
  5517. No sub-topics --- 
  5518.     please double click on 
  5519.     One Complete House
  5520.    to open the slide show..how.
  5521. designer
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  5525. buttonUp
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  5534. buttonUp
  5535. valuetypes
  5536. valueTypes
  5537. hdbPath
  5538. The Designer Within
  5539. The Value of Types
  5540. Value of Design Knowledge
  5541. Balancing Your Needs
  5542. Understanding the Parts
  5543. Un-naming Rooms
  5544. Un-making Lists
  5545. Redefining "House"
  5546. Diagramming Relationships
  5547. Diagramming Activities
  5548. Planning for Change
  5549. Proceeding to Design
  5550. 4hdbPath
  5551. "designer" 
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  5559. buttonUp
  5560. valueDesign
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  5563. &X%}&
  5564. From Idea to Design --
  5565. The Designer Within
  5566. Value of Types
  5567. Value of Design Knowledge 
  5568. Balancing Your Needs
  5569. Understanding the Parts
  5570. Un-naming Rooms
  5571. Un-making Lists
  5572. Redefining "House"
  5573. Diagramming Relationships
  5574. Diagramming Activities
  5575. Planning for Change
  5576. Proceeding to Design
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  5608. buttonUp
  5609. understandParts
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  5622. buttonUp
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  5660. buttonUp
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  5663. hdbPath
  5664. prinDesign
  5665. Principles of Design --
  5666. Making Places
  5667. "Anchoring the Building"
  5668. Watson's Five Metaphors
  5669. Material Principles
  5670. Formal Principles
  5671. "1z2-
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  5768. watsonsFive
  5769. formalPrins
  5770. hdgPath
  5771. categoriesHouses
  5772. Categories of Houses --Determinants of Form
  5773. Construction Techniques
  5774. Historic Plan Types
  5775. Historic Styles
  5776. DeterminantsForm
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  5864. hdoPath
  5865. On to Construction --
  5866. Elements of Construction
  5867. Deciding to Build
  5868. The Role of the Architect
  5869. Owner/Builder Schools
  5870. House Design Questionnairesshe Role of the Architect
  5871. Owner/Builder Schools
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  5969. architectNoTopics
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  5971. oneHouse
  5972. One Complete House --
  5973. No sub-topics to this section. Please double click on the One Complete House button to flip to that section.
  5974. anchoringBuilding2
  5975. Anchoring the Building --
  5976. Nature & Culture
  5977. Eco-Regions --
  5978.   Polar/Tundra
  5979.   Polar/Subarctic
  5980.   Humid Temperate/Warm Continental
  5981.   Humid Temperate/Hot Continental
  5982.   Humid Temperate/Subtropic
  5983.   Humid Temperate/Marine
  5984.   Humid Temperate/Prairie
  5985.   Humid Temperate/Mediterranean
  5986.   Dry/Steppe
  5987.   Dry/Desert
  5988.   Humid Tropical/Savanna
  5989.   Humid Tropical/Rainforest
  5990. Prospect, Refuge and Hazard
  5991. Neighborhood Patterns and Context
  5992. natureCulture
  5993. 4hdcPath
  5994. "anchoringBuilding2"
  5995. "prinDesign"
  5996. "natureCulture" 
  5997. buttonUp
  5998. buttonUp
  5999. anchoringBuilding2
  6000. prinDesign
  6001. natureCulture
  6002. hdcPath
  6003. 4hdcPath
  6004. "prinDesign"
  6005. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6006. "ecomain" 
  6007. buttonUp
  6008. buttonUp
  6009. prinDesign
  6010. anchoringBuilding2
  6011. ecomain
  6012. hdcPath
  6013. polar
  6014. 4hdcPath
  6015. "prinDesign"
  6016. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6017. "polar" 
  6018. buttonUp
  6019. buttonUp
  6020. prinDesign
  6021. anchoringBuilding2
  6022. polar
  6023. hdcPath
  6024. subarctic
  6025. 4hdcPath
  6026. "prinDesign"
  6027. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6028. "subarctic" 
  6029. buttonUp
  6030. buttonUp
  6031. prinDesign
  6032. anchoringBuilding2
  6033. subarctic
  6034. hdcPath
  6035. warmContinent
  6036. 4hdcPath
  6037. "prinDesign"
  6038. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6039. "warmContinental" 
  6040. 8hdcpath
  6041. buttonUp
  6042. buttonUp
  6043. prinDesign
  6044. anchoringBuilding2
  6045. warmContinental
  6046. hdcpath
  6047. hdcPath
  6048. hotContinental
  6049. 4hdcPath
  6050. "prinDesign"
  6051. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6052. "hotContinental" 
  6053. buttonUp
  6054. buttonUp
  6055. prinDesign
  6056. anchoringBuilding2
  6057. hotContinental
  6058. hdcPath
  6059. subtropic
  6060. 4hdcPath
  6061. "prinDesign"
  6062. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6063. "subtropic" 
  6064. buttonUp
  6065. buttonUp
  6066. prinDesign
  6067. anchoringBuilding2
  6068. subtropic
  6069. hdcPath
  6070. marine
  6071. 4hdcPath
  6072. "prinDesign"
  6073. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6074. "marine" 
  6075. buttonUp
  6076. buttonUp
  6077. prinDesign
  6078. anchoringBuilding2
  6079. marine
  6080. hdcPath
  6081. prairie
  6082. 4hdcPath
  6083. "prinDesign"
  6084. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6085. "prairie" 
  6086. buttonUp
  6087. buttonUp
  6088. prinDesign
  6089. anchoringBuilding2
  6090. prairie
  6091. hdcPath
  6092. mediterranean
  6093. 4hdcpath
  6094. "prinDesign"
  6095. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6096. "mediterranean" 
  6097. 8hdcPath
  6098. buttonUp
  6099. buttonUp
  6100. prinDesign
  6101. anchoringBuilding2
  6102. mediterranean
  6103. hdcPath
  6104. hdcpath
  6105. steppe
  6106. 4hdcPath
  6107. "prinDesign"
  6108. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6109. "steppe" 
  6110. buttonUp
  6111. buttonUp
  6112. prinDesign
  6113. anchoringBuilding2
  6114. steppe
  6115. hdcPath
  6116. desert
  6117. 4hdcpath
  6118. "prinDesign"
  6119. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6120. "desert" 
  6121. 8hdcPath
  6122. buttonUp
  6123. buttonUp
  6124. prinDesign
  6125. anchoringBuilding2
  6126. desert
  6127. hdcPath
  6128. hdcpath
  6129. savanna
  6130. 4hdcPath
  6131. "prinDesign"
  6132. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6133. "savanna" 
  6134. buttonUp
  6135. buttonUp
  6136. prinDesign
  6137. anchoringBuilding2
  6138. savanna
  6139. hdcPath
  6140. rainforest
  6141. 4hdcPath
  6142. "prinDesign"
  6143. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6144. "rainforest" 
  6145. buttonUp
  6146. buttonUp
  6147. prinDesign
  6148. anchoringBuilding2
  6149. rainforest
  6150. hdcPath
  6151. prospect
  6152. 4hdePath
  6153. "prinDesign"
  6154. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6155. "prospect" 
  6156. buttonUp
  6157. buttonUp
  6158. prinDesign
  6159. anchoringBuilding2
  6160. prospect
  6161. hdePath
  6162. patterns
  6163. 4hdePath
  6164. "prinDesign"
  6165. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6166. "patterns" 
  6167. buttonUp
  6168. buttonUp
  6169. prinDesign
  6170. anchoringBuilding2
  6171. patterns
  6172. hdePath
  6173. watsons2
  6174. Watson's Five Metaphors --
  6175. Art v. Science
  6176. House as Natural Heat Exchanger
  6177. House as Natural Light Diffuser
  6178. House as a Micro-Climate
  6179. House as a Biological System
  6180. House as an Ecological Nicheeegical Niche
  6181. watsonsArt
  6182. 4hdePath
  6183. "prinDesign"
  6184. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6185. "watsons2"
  6186. "watsonArt" 
  6187. buttonUp
  6188. buttonUp
  6189. prinDesign
  6190. anchoringBuilding2
  6191. watsons2
  6192. watsonArt
  6193. hdePath
  6194. 4hdePath
  6195. "prinDesign"
  6196. "watsons2"
  6197. "watsonsHeat" 
  6198. buttonUp
  6199. buttonUp
  6200. prinDesign
  6201. watsons2
  6202. watsonsHeat
  6203. hdePath
  6204. light
  6205. 4hdePath
  6206. "prinDesign"
  6207. "watsons2"
  6208. "watsonsLight" 
  6209. buttonUp
  6210. buttonUp
  6211. prinDesign
  6212. watsons2
  6213. watsonsLight
  6214. hdePath
  6215. microclimate
  6216. 4hdePath
  6217. "prinDesign"
  6218. "watsons2"
  6219. "watsonsMicroclimate" 
  6220. buttonUp
  6221. buttonUp
  6222. prinDesign
  6223. watsons2
  6224. watsonsMicroclimate
  6225. hdePath
  6226. biology
  6227. 4hdePath
  6228. "prinDesign"
  6229. "watsons2"
  6230. "watsonsBiology" 
  6231. buttonUp
  6232. buttonUp
  6233. prinDesign
  6234. watsons2
  6235. watsonsBiology
  6236. hdePath
  6237. ecology
  6238. 4hdePath
  6239. "prinDesign"
  6240. "watsons2"
  6241. "watsonsEcology" 
  6242. buttonUp
  6243. buttonUp
  6244. prinDesign
  6245. watsons2
  6246. watsonsEcology
  6247. hdePath
  6248. matPrins
  6249. Material Principles --
  6250. Means and Ends
  6251. Build for Reuse
  6252. Conserve Material Resources
  6253. Conserve Energy Resources
  6254. Avoid Toxic Materials
  6255. meansandEnds
  6256. 4hdfPath
  6257. "prinDesign"
  6258. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6259. "matPrins"
  6260. "materialPrinciples" 
  6261. buttonUp
  6262. buttonUp
  6263. prinDesign
  6264. anchoringBuilding2
  6265. matPrins
  6266. materialPrinciples
  6267. hdfPath
  6268. buildReuse
  6269. 4hdfPath
  6270. "prinDesign"
  6271. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6272. "matPrins"
  6273. "reuse" 
  6274. buttonUp
  6275. buttonUp
  6276. prinDesign
  6277. anchoringBuilding2
  6278. matPrins
  6279. reuse
  6280. hdfPath
  6281. materialResources
  6282. 4hdfPath
  6283. "prinDesign"
  6284. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6285. "matPrins"
  6286. "conserveMaterials" 
  6287. buttonUp
  6288. buttonUp
  6289. prinDesign
  6290. anchoringBuilding2
  6291. matPrins
  6292. conserveMaterials
  6293. hdfPath
  6294. energyResources
  6295. 4hdfPath
  6296. "prinDesign"
  6297. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6298. "matPrins"
  6299. "conserveEnergy" 
  6300. buttonUp
  6301. buttonUp
  6302. prinDesign
  6303. anchoringBuilding2
  6304. matPrins
  6305. conserveEnergy
  6306. hdfPath
  6307. avoidToxic
  6308. 4hdfpath
  6309. "prinDesign"
  6310. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6311. "matPrins"
  6312. "avoidToxic" 
  6313. 8hdfPath
  6314. buttonUp
  6315. buttonUp
  6316. prinDesign
  6317. anchoringBuilding2
  6318. matPrins
  6319. avoidToxic
  6320. hdfPath
  6321. hdfpath
  6322. formalPrins
  6323. Formal Principles --
  6324. On Harmony
  6325. Organizing the Parts
  6326. Centered Plans
  6327. Linear Plans
  6328. Clustered Plans
  6329. onHarmony
  6330. 4hdgPath
  6331. "prinDesign"
  6332. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6333. "matPrins"
  6334. "formalPrins"
  6335. "onHarmony" 
  6336. buttonUp
  6337. buttonUp
  6338. prinDesign
  6339. anchoringBuilding2
  6340. matPrins
  6341. formalPrins
  6342. onHarmony
  6343. hdgPath
  6344. organizingParts
  6345. 4hdgPath
  6346. "prinDesign"
  6347. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6348. "matPrins"
  6349. "formalPrins"
  6350. "organizingParts" 
  6351. buttonUp
  6352. buttonUp
  6353. prinDesign
  6354. anchoringBuilding2
  6355. matPrins
  6356. formalPrins
  6357. organizingParts
  6358. hdgPath
  6359. DxN|=
  6360. centeredPlans
  6361. 4hdgPath
  6362. "prinDesign"
  6363. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6364. "matPrins"
  6365. "formalPrins"
  6366. "centeredPlans" 
  6367. buttonUp
  6368. buttonUp
  6369. prinDesign
  6370. anchoringBuilding2
  6371. matPrins
  6372. formalPrins
  6373. centeredPlans
  6374. hdgPath
  6375. linearPlans
  6376. 4hdgPath
  6377. "prinDesign"
  6378. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6379. "matPrins"
  6380. "formalPrins"
  6381. "linearPlans" 
  6382. buttonUp
  6383. buttonUp
  6384. prinDesign
  6385. anchoringBuilding2
  6386. matPrins
  6387. formalPrins
  6388. linearPlans
  6389. hdgPath
  6390. clusteredPlans
  6391. 4hdgPath
  6392. "prinDesign"
  6393. "anchoringBuilding2"
  6394. "matPrins"
  6395. "formalPrins"
  6396. "clusteredPlans" 
  6397. buttonUp
  6398. buttonUp
  6399. prinDesign
  6400. anchoringBuilding2
  6401. matPrins
  6402. formalPrins
  6403. clusteredPlans
  6404. hdgPath
  6405. noTopic
  6406. Making Places --
  6407. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Making Places to flip to that section.
  6408. constructTechniques
  6409. Construction Techniques --Tectonics
  6410. Timber Frame
  6411. Braced Frame
  6412. Balloon Frame
  6413. Platform Frame
  6414. Log Construction
  6415. Masonry
  6416. Brick
  6417. Stone
  6418. Concrete
  6419. Adobe 
  6420. Earth-sheltered
  6421. Manufactured
  6422. Geodesic
  6423. tectonics
  6424. 4hdhPath
  6425. "constructTechniques"
  6426. buttonUp
  6427. buttonUp
  6428. constructTechniques
  6429. constructTechniques
  6430. hdhPath
  6431. timberFrame
  6432. 4hdhPath
  6433. "constructTechniques"
  6434. "timberFrame" 
  6435. buttonUp
  6436. buttonUp
  6437. constructTechniques
  6438. timberFrame
  6439. hdhPath
  6440. bracedFrame
  6441. 4hdhPath
  6442. "constructTechniques"
  6443. "bracedFrame" 
  6444. buttonUp
  6445. buttonUp
  6446. constructTechniques
  6447. bracedFrame
  6448. hdhPath
  6449. balloonFrame
  6450. 4hdhPath
  6451. "constructTechniques"
  6452. "balloonFrame" 
  6453. buttonUp
  6454. buttonUp
  6455. constructTechniques
  6456. balloonFrame
  6457. hdhPath
  6458. platformFrame
  6459. 4hdhPath
  6460. "constructTechniques"
  6461. "platformFrame" 
  6462. buttonUp
  6463. buttonUp
  6464. constructTechniques
  6465. platformFrame
  6466. hdhPath
  6467. logConstruction
  6468. 4hdhPath
  6469. "constructTechniques"
  6470. "logConstruction" 
  6471. buttonUp
  6472. buttonUp
  6473. constructTechniques
  6474. logConstruction
  6475. hdhPath
  6476. masonry
  6477. 4hdhPath
  6478. "constructTechniques"
  6479. "masonry" 
  6480. buttonUp
  6481. buttonUp
  6482. constructTechniques
  6483. masonry
  6484. hdhPath
  6485. brick
  6486. 4hdhPath
  6487. "constructTechniques"
  6488. "brick" 
  6489. buttonUp
  6490. buttonUp
  6491. constructTechniques
  6492. brick
  6493. hdhPath
  6494. stone
  6495. 4hdhPath
  6496. "constructTechniques"
  6497. "stone" 
  6498. buttonUp
  6499. buttonUp
  6500. constructTechniques
  6501. stone
  6502. hdhPath
  6503. concrete
  6504. 4hdhPath
  6505. "constructTechniques"
  6506. "concrete" 
  6507. buttonUp
  6508. buttonUp
  6509. constructTechniques
  6510. concrete
  6511. hdhPath
  6512. 4hdhPath
  6513. "constructTechniques"
  6514. "sod" 
  6515. buttonUp
  6516. buttonUp
  6517. constructTechniques
  6518. hdhPath
  6519. adobe
  6520. 4hdhPath
  6521. "constructTechniques"
  6522. "adobe" 
  6523. buttonUp
  6524. buttonUp
  6525. constructTechniques
  6526. adobe
  6527. hdhPath
  6528. earthSheltered
  6529. 4hdhPath
  6530. "constructTechniques"
  6531. "earthSheltered" 
  6532. buttonUp
  6533. buttonUp
  6534. constructTechniques
  6535. earthSheltered
  6536. hdhPath
  6537. manufactured
  6538. 4hdhPath
  6539. "constructTechniques"
  6540. "manufactured" 
  6541. buttonUp
  6542. buttonUp
  6543. constructTechniques
  6544. manufactured
  6545. hdhPath
  6546. geodesic
  6547. 4hdhPath
  6548. "constructTechniques"
  6549. "geodesic" 
  6550. buttonUp
  6551. buttonUp
  6552. constructTechniques
  6553. geodesic
  6554. hdhPath
  6555. noTopics
  6556. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Determinants of Form to flip to that section.
  6557. histPlanTypes2
  6558. Historic Plan Types --
  6559. Layers of Influence
  6560. One Room Plan
  6561. Central Chimney Plan
  6562. Central Hall Plan
  6563. Side Hall Plan
  6564. Back Hall Plan
  6565. L-Shaped Plan
  6566. Shotgun Plan
  6567. Saddlebag Plan
  6568. Dog-Trot Plan
  6569. Extended Farmhouse Plan
  6570. Plantation House
  6571. Charleston Plan
  6572. Polygonal Plan
  6573. Tenement Plan
  6574. Courtyard Plan
  6575. Living Hall Plan
  6576. Sala Plan
  6577. layersInfluence
  6578. 4hdhPath
  6579. "histPlanTypes"
  6580. "histPlans" 
  6581. buttonUp
  6582. buttonUp
  6583. histPlanTypes
  6584. histPlans
  6585. hdhPath
  6586. oneRoomPlan
  6587. 4hdhPath
  6588. "histPlanTypes"
  6589. "oneRoomPlan" 
  6590. buttonUp
  6591. buttonUp
  6592. histPlanTypes
  6593. oneRoomPlan
  6594. hdhPath
  6595. centralChimneyPlan
  6596. 4hdhPath
  6597. "histPlanTypes"
  6598. "centralChimneyPlan" 
  6599. buttonUp
  6600. buttonUp
  6601. histPlanTypes
  6602. centralChimneyPlan
  6603. hdhPath
  6604. centralHallPlan
  6605. 4hdhPath
  6606. "histPlanTypes"
  6607. "centralHallPlan" 
  6608. buttonup
  6609. buttonup
  6610. histPlanTypes
  6611. centralHallPlan
  6612. hdhPath
  6613. sideHallPlan
  6614. 4hdhPath
  6615. "histPlanTypes"
  6616. "sideHallPlan" 
  6617. buttonUp
  6618. buttonUp
  6619. histPlanTypes
  6620. sideHallPlan
  6621. hdhPath
  6622. backHallPlan
  6623. 4hdhpath
  6624. "histPlanTypes"
  6625. "backHallPlan" 
  6626. 8hdhPath
  6627. buttonUp
  6628. buttonUp
  6629. histPlanTypes
  6630. backHallPlan
  6631. hdhPath
  6632. hdhpath
  6633. LShapedPlan
  6634. 4hdhpath
  6635. "histPlanTypes"
  6636. "LShapedPlan" 
  6637. 8hdhPath
  6638. buttonUp
  6639. buttonUp
  6640. histPlanTypes
  6641. LShapedPlan
  6642. hdhPath
  6643. hdhpath
  6644. shotgun
  6645. 4hdmpath
  6646. "histPlanTypes2"
  6647. "shotgun" 
  6648. 8hdmPath
  6649. buttonUp
  6650. buttonUp
  6651. histPlanTypes2
  6652. shotgun
  6653. hdmPath
  6654. hdmpath
  6655. saddlebag
  6656. 4hdmpath
  6657. "histPlanTypes2"
  6658. "saddlebag" 
  6659. 8hdmPath
  6660. buttonUp
  6661. buttonUp
  6662. histPlanTypes2
  6663. saddlebag
  6664. hdmPath
  6665. hdmpath
  6666. dogtrot
  6667. 4hdmpath
  6668. "histPlanTypes2"
  6669. "dogtrot" 
  6670. 8hdmPath
  6671. buttonUp
  6672. buttonUp
  6673. histPlanTypes2
  6674. dogtrot
  6675. hdmPath
  6676. hdmpath
  6677. extendedFarmhouse
  6678. 4hdmpath
  6679. "extendedFarmhouse" 
  6680. 8hdmPath
  6681. buttonUp
  6682. buttonUp
  6683. extendedFarmhouse
  6684. hdmPath
  6685. hdmpath
  6686. plantation
  6687. 4hdmpath
  6688. "histPlanTypes2"
  6689. "plantation" 
  6690. 8hdmPath
  6691. buttonUp
  6692. buttonUp
  6693. histPlanTypes2
  6694. plantation
  6695. hdmPath
  6696. hdmpath
  6697. charleston
  6698. 4hdmpath
  6699. "histPlanTypes2"
  6700. "charleston" 
  6701. 8hdmPath
  6702. buttonUp
  6703. buttonUp
  6704. histPlanTypes2
  6705. charleston
  6706. hdmPath
  6707. hdmpath
  6708. polygonal
  6709. &'#_ 
  6710. 4hdmpath
  6711. "histPlanTypes2"
  6712. "polygonal" 
  6713. 8hdmPath
  6714. buttonUp
  6715. buttonUp
  6716. histPlanTypes2
  6717. polygonal
  6718. hdmPath
  6719. hdmpath
  6720. tenement
  6721. &/@_!
  6722. 4hdmpath
  6723. "histPlanTypes2"
  6724. "tenement" 
  6725. 8hdmPath
  6726. buttonUp
  6727. buttonUp
  6728. histPlanTypes2
  6729. tenement
  6730. hdmPath
  6731. hdmpath
  6732. courtyard
  6733. 4hdmpath
  6734. "histPlanTypes2"
  6735. "courtyard" 
  6736. 8hdmPath
  6737. buttonUp
  6738. buttonUp
  6739. histPlanTypes2
  6740. courtyard
  6741. hdmPath
  6742. hdmpath
  6743. livingHall
  6744. 4hdmpath
  6745. "histPlanTypes2"
  6746. "livingHall" 
  6747. 8hdmPath
  6748. buttonUp
  6749. buttonUp
  6750. histPlanTypes2
  6751. livingHall
  6752. hdmPath
  6753. hdmpath
  6754. 4hdmpath
  6755. "histPlanTypes2"
  6756. "sala" 
  6757. 8hdmPath
  6758. buttonUp
  6759. buttonUp
  6760. histPlanTypes2
  6761. hdmPath
  6762. hdmpath
  6763. histStyles
  6764. Historic Styles --
  6765. The Place of Style
  6766. Colonial Period
  6767.   Northeast
  6768.   Mid-Atlantic & South
  6769.   Mississippi Region
  6770.   Southwest Region
  6771.   Caribbean Region 
  6772.   Styles of the Colonial Period
  6773. Early National Period
  6774.   Federal 
  6775.    Greek Revival
  6776. Early Victorian Period
  6777.    Early Victorian
  6778.    Gothic Revival 
  6779.    Italianate
  6780.    Mansard
  6781. Late Victorian Period
  6782.   Late Victorian
  6783.    High Victorian Gothic
  6784.    Stick 
  6785.    Queen Anne 
  6786.    Chatauesque 
  6787.    Other Picturesque Motifs
  6788.    Richardsonian Romanesque
  6789. Late National Period
  6790.   Colonial Revival
  6791.    Shingle 
  6792.    Renaissance
  6793.    Arts and Crafts
  6794.    Prairie
  6795. International Period
  6796. placeStyle
  6797. 4hdmPath
  6798. "categHouses"
  6799. "histStyles"
  6800. "placeStyle" 
  6801. buttonUp
  6802. buttonUp
  6803. categHouses
  6804. histStyles
  6805. placeStyle
  6806. hdmPath
  6807. northEast
  6808. 4hdmPath
  6809. "categHouses"
  6810. "histStyles"
  6811. "northeast" 
  6812. buttonUp
  6813. buttonUp
  6814. categHouses
  6815. histStyles
  6816. northeast
  6817. hdmPath
  6818. midAtlantic
  6819. 4hdmPath
  6820. "categHouses"
  6821. "histStyles"
  6822. "midAtlantic" 
  6823. buttonUp
  6824. buttonUp
  6825. categHouses
  6826. histStyles
  6827. midAtlantic
  6828. hdmPath
  6829. mississippi
  6830. 4hdmPath
  6831. "categHouses"
  6832. "histStyles"
  6833. "mississippi" 
  6834. buttonUp
  6835. buttonUp
  6836. categHouses
  6837. histStyles
  6838. mississippi
  6839. hdmPath
  6840. southWest
  6841. 4hdmPath
  6842. "categHouses"
  6843. "histStyles"
  6844. "southWest" 
  6845. buttonUp
  6846. buttonUp
  6847. categHouses
  6848. histStyles
  6849. southWest
  6850. hdmPath
  6851. caribbean
  6852. 4hdmPath
  6853. "categHouses"
  6854. "histStyles"
  6855. "caribbean" 
  6856. buttonUp
  6857. buttonUp
  6858. categHouses
  6859. histStyles
  6860. caribbean
  6861. hdmPath
  6862. archStyles
  6863. 4hdmPath
  6864. "categHouses"
  6865. "histStyles"
  6866. "archStyles" 
  6867. buttonUp
  6868. buttonUp
  6869. categHouses
  6870. histStyles
  6871. archStyles
  6872. hdmPath
  6873. federal
  6874. 4hdmPath
  6875. "categHouses"
  6876. "histStyles"
  6877. "federal" 
  6878. buttonUp
  6879. buttonUp
  6880. categHouses
  6881. histStyles
  6882. federal
  6883. hdmPath
  6884. greekRevival
  6885. 4hdmPath
  6886. "categHouses"
  6887. "histStyles"
  6888. "greekRevival" 
  6889. buttonUp
  6890. buttonUp
  6891. categHouses
  6892. histStyles
  6893. greekRevival
  6894. hdmPath
  6895. earlyVictorian
  6896. 4hdmPath
  6897. "categHouses"
  6898. "histStyles"
  6899. "victorian" 
  6900. buttonUp
  6901. buttonUp
  6902. categHouses
  6903. histStyles
  6904. victorian
  6905. hdmPath
  6906. gothicRevival
  6907. 4hdmPath
  6908. "categHouses"
  6909. "histStyles"
  6910. "gothicRevival" 
  6911. buttonUp
  6912. buttonUp
  6913. categHouses
  6914. histStyles
  6915. gothicRevival
  6916. hdmPath
  6917. italianate
  6918. 4hdmPath
  6919. "categHouses"
  6920. "histStyles"
  6921. "italianate" 
  6922. buttonUp
  6923. buttonUp
  6924. categHouses
  6925. histStyles
  6926. italianate
  6927. hdmPath
  6928. mansard
  6929. 4hdmPath
  6930. "categHouses"
  6931. "histStyles"
  6932. "mansard" 
  6933. buttonUp
  6934. buttonUp
  6935. categHouses
  6936. histStyles
  6937. mansard
  6938. hdmPath
  6939. lateVictorian
  6940. 4hdmPath
  6941. "categHouses"
  6942. "histStyles"
  6943. "lateVictorian" 
  6944. buttonUp
  6945. buttonUp
  6946. categHouses
  6947. histStyles
  6948. lateVictorian
  6949. hdmPath
  6950. highVGothic
  6951. 4hdmPath
  6952. "categHouses"
  6953. "histStyles"
  6954. "highVGothic" 
  6955. buttonUp
  6956. buttonUp
  6957. categHouses
  6958. histStyles
  6959. highVGothic
  6960. hdmPath
  6961. stick
  6962. 4hdmPath
  6963. "categHouses"
  6964. "histStyles"
  6965. "stick" 
  6966. buttonUp
  6967. buttonUp
  6968. categHouses
  6969. histStyles
  6970. stick
  6971. hdmPath
  6972. queenAnne
  6973. 4hdmPath
  6974. "categHouses"
  6975. "histStyles"
  6976. "queenAnne" 
  6977. buttonUp
  6978. buttonUp
  6979. categHouses
  6980. histStyles
  6981. queenAnne
  6982. hdmPath
  6983. chatauesque
  6984. 4hdmPath
  6985. "categHouses"
  6986. "histStyles"
  6987. "chatauesque" 
  6988. buttonUp
  6989. buttonUp
  6990. categHouses
  6991. histStyles
  6992. chatauesque
  6993. hdmPath
  6994. other
  6995. 4hdmPath
  6996. "categHouses"
  6997. "histStyles"
  6998. "other" 
  6999. buttonUp
  7000. buttonUp
  7001. categHouses
  7002. histStyles
  7003. other
  7004. hdmPath
  7005. richards
  7006. 4hdmPath
  7007. "categHouses"
  7008. "histStyles"
  7009. "richards" 
  7010. buttonUp
  7011. buttonUp
  7012. categHouses
  7013. histStyles
  7014. richards
  7015. hdmPath
  7016. colonialRevival
  7017. 4hdnPath
  7018. "categHouses"
  7019. "histStyles"
  7020. "colonialRevival" 
  7021. buttonUp
  7022. buttonUp
  7023. categHouses
  7024. histStyles
  7025. colonialRevival
  7026. hdnPath
  7027. shingles
  7028. 4hdnPath
  7029. "categHouses"
  7030. "histStyles"
  7031. "shingle" 
  7032. buttonUp
  7033. buttonUp
  7034. categHouses
  7035. histStyles
  7036. shingle
  7037. hdnPath
  7038. renaissance
  7039. 4hdnPath
  7040. "categHouses"
  7041. "histStyles"
  7042. "renaissance" 
  7043. buttonUp
  7044. buttonUp
  7045. categHouses
  7046. histStyles
  7047. renaissance
  7048. hdnPath
  7049. artsCrafts
  7050. 4hdnPath
  7051. "categHouses"
  7052. "histStyles"
  7053. "artsCrafts" 
  7054. buttonUp
  7055. buttonUp
  7056. categHouses
  7057. histStyles
  7058. artsCrafts
  7059. hdnPath
  7060. prairie
  7061. 4hdnPath
  7062. "categHouses"
  7063. "histStyles"
  7064. "prairie" 
  7065. buttonUp
  7066. buttonUp
  7067. categHouses
  7068. histStyles
  7069. prairie
  7070. hdnPath
  7071. international
  7072. 4hdnPath
  7073. "categHouses"
  7074. "histStyles"
  7075. "international" 
  7076. buttonUp
  7077. buttonUp
  7078. categHouses
  7079. histStyles
  7080. international
  7081. hdnPath
  7082. decideBuild
  7083. Deciding to Build --
  7084. The Environment
  7085. Family
  7086. Money
  7087. Personality
  7088. Location
  7089. Other Options
  7090. environment
  7091. 4hdoPath
  7092. "environment" 
  7093. buttonUp
  7094. buttonUp
  7095. environment
  7096. hdoPath
  7097. 4hdoPath
  7098. buttonUp
  7099. buttonUp
  7100. hdoPath
  7101. family
  7102. 4hdoPath
  7103. "family" 
  7104. buttonUp
  7105. buttonUp
  7106. family
  7107. hdoPath
  7108. money
  7109. 4hdoPath
  7110. "money" 
  7111. buttonUp
  7112. buttonUp
  7113. money
  7114. hdoPath
  7115. personality
  7116. 4hdoPath
  7117. "personality" 
  7118. buttonUp
  7119. buttonUp
  7120. personality
  7121. hdoPath
  7122. location
  7123. 4hdoPath
  7124. "Location" 
  7125. buttonUp
  7126. buttonUp
  7127. Location
  7128. hdoPath
  7129. otherOptions
  7130. 4hdoPath
  7131. "otherOptions" 
  7132. buttonUp
  7133. buttonUp
  7134. otherOptions
  7135. hdoPath
  7136. ownerBuilderSchools
  7137. Owner/Builder Schools --
  7138. Welcome to School!
  7139. Heartwood
  7140. Owner Builder Center
  7141. Shelter Institute
  7142. Southface Energy Institute
  7143. Southwest Solaradobe
  7144. Upper Loft Design
  7145. Yestermorrow
  7146. schoolWelcome
  7147. 4hdpPath
  7148. "welcome" 
  7149. buttonUp
  7150. buttonUp
  7151. welcome
  7152. hdpPath
  7153. heartwood
  7154. 4hdpPath
  7155. "heartwood" 
  7156. buttonUp
  7157. buttonUp
  7158. heartwood
  7159. hdpPath
  7160. ownerBuilder
  7161. 4hdpPath
  7162. "ownerBuilder" 
  7163. buttonUp
  7164. buttonUp
  7165. ownerBuilder
  7166. hdpPath
  7167. shelter
  7168. 4hdpPath
  7169. "shelter" 
  7170. buttonUp
  7171. buttonUp
  7172. shelter
  7173. hdpPath
  7174. southface
  7175. 4hdpPath
  7176. "southface" 
  7177. buttonUp
  7178. buttonUp
  7179. southface
  7180. hdpPath
  7181. southwest
  7182. 4hdpPath
  7183. "southwest" 
  7184. buttonUp
  7185. buttonUp
  7186. southwest
  7187. hdpPath
  7188. upperLoft
  7189. 4hdpPath
  7190. "upperLoft" 
  7191. buttonUp
  7192. buttonUp
  7193. upperLoft
  7194. hdpPath
  7195. yestermorrow
  7196. 4hdpPath
  7197. "yestermorrow" 
  7198. buttonUp
  7199. buttonUp
  7200. yestermorrow
  7201. hdpPath
  7202. ownerSchools
  7203. Owner/Builder Schools --
  7204.   Welcome to School!
  7205.    Heartwood
  7206.    Owner Builder Center (TX)
  7207.    Shelter Institute
  7208.    Southface Energy Institute
  7209.    Southwest Solaradobe School
  7210.    Upper Loft Design, Inc.
  7211.    Yestermorrowwwwwign, Inc.
  7212.    Yestermorrow
  7213. schoolwelcome
  7214. 4hdpPath
  7215. "welcome" 
  7216. buttonUp
  7217. buttonUp
  7218. welcome
  7219. hdpPath
  7220. heartwood
  7221. 4hdpPath
  7222. "heartwood" 
  7223. buttonUp
  7224. buttonUp
  7225. heartwood
  7226. hdpPath
  7227. ownerTexas
  7228. 4hdpPath
  7229. "ownerTexas" 
  7230. buttonUp
  7231. buttonUp
  7232. ownerTexas
  7233. hdpPath
  7234. shelter
  7235. 4hdpPath
  7236. "shelter" 
  7237. buttonUp
  7238. buttonUp
  7239. shelter
  7240. hdpPath
  7241. southface
  7242. 4hdpPath
  7243. "southface" 
  7244. buttonUp
  7245. buttonUp
  7246. southface
  7247. hdpPath
  7248. southwest
  7249. 4hdpPath
  7250. "southwest" 
  7251. buttonUp
  7252. buttonUp
  7253. southwest
  7254. hdpPath
  7255. upperLoft
  7256. 4hdpPath
  7257. "upperLoft" 
  7258. buttonUp
  7259. buttonUp
  7260. upperLoft
  7261. hdpPath
  7262. yestermorrow
  7263. 4hdpPath
  7264. "yestermorrow" 
  7265. buttonUp
  7266. buttonUp
  7267. yestermorrow
  7268. hdpPath
  7269. Directions --
  7270. Single click on a title to display
  7271.    a list of topics in the next 
  7272.    column.
  7273. Double click on a title in any 
  7274.    column to go directly to that 
  7275.    section.
  7276. 4mainPath
  7277. "kbmap" 
  7278. buttonUp
  7279. buttonUp
  7280. kbmap
  7281. mainPath
  7282. Kitchen & Bath Map
  7283. 4mainPath
  7284. "map" 
  7285. buttonUp
  7286. buttonUp
  7287. mainPath
  7288. Mag. of Designs Map
  7289. 4mainPath
  7290. "resourcesMap" 
  7291. buttonUp
  7292. buttonUp
  7293. resourcesMap
  7294. mainPath
  7295. Resources Map
  7296. 4mainPath
  7297. buttonUp
  7298. buttonUp
  7299. mainPath
  7300. BUTTONUP
  7301. BUTTONUP
  7302. BUTTONUP
  7303. buttonUp
  7304. buttonUp
  7305. Previous
  7306. architectNoTopics
  7307. Role of the Architect --
  7308. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Role of the Architect to flip to that section.
  7309. questionnaireNoTopics
  7310. House Design Questionnaire --
  7311. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on House Design Questionnaire to flip to the questionnaire.
  7312. elementsNoTopics
  7313. Elements of Construction --
  7314.    Levels of Meaning
  7315.     Floors
  7316.     Walls
  7317.     Ceilings
  7318.     Roofs
  7319.     Doors
  7320.     Windows
  7321.     Stairsn....
  7322. levels
  7323. 4hdoPath
  7324. "levelsmeaning" 
  7325. buttonUp
  7326. buttonUp
  7327. levelsmeaning
  7328. hdoPath
  7329. floors
  7330. 4hdoPath
  7331. "floors" 
  7332. buttonUp
  7333. buttonUp
  7334. floors
  7335. hdoPath
  7336. walls
  7337. 4hdoPath
  7338. "walls" 
  7339. buttonUp
  7340. buttonUp
  7341. walls
  7342. hdoPath
  7343. ceilings
  7344. 4hdoPath
  7345. "ceilings" 
  7346. buttonUp
  7347. buttonUp
  7348. ceilings
  7349. hdoPath
  7350. roofs
  7351. 4hdoPath
  7352. "roofs" 
  7353. buttonUp
  7354. buttonUp
  7355. roofs
  7356. hdoPath
  7357. doors
  7358. 4hdoPath
  7359. "doors" 
  7360. buttonUp
  7361. buttonUp
  7362. doors
  7363. hdoPath
  7364. windows
  7365. 4hdoPath
  7366. "windows" 
  7367. buttonUp
  7368. buttonUp
  7369. windows
  7370. hdoPath
  7371. stairs
  7372. 4hdoPath
  7373. "stairs" 
  7374. buttonUp
  7375. buttonUp
  7376. stairs
  7377. hdoPath
  7378. "invitationnoTopics"
  7379. "highStyle2"
  7380. "greenDesign2"
  7381. "periodRevival2"
  7382. "conventional2"
  7383. "unconventional2"
  7384. "parkersville"
  7385. "hearthstonedetail"
  7386. "wisconsindetail"
  7387. "acorndetail"
  7388. "ldetail"
  7389. "TCdetail"
  7390. "HStonedetail"
  7391. "invitationNoTopics"
  7392. "tcDetail"
  7393. "HStoneDetail"
  7394. enterPage
  7395. leavePage
  7396. enterPage
  7397. invitationnoTopics
  7398. highStyle2
  7399. greenDesign2
  7400. periodRevival2
  7401. conventional2
  7402. unconventional2
  7403. parkersville
  7404. hearthstonedetail
  7405. wisconsindetail
  7406. acorndetail
  7407. ldetail
  7408. TCdetail
  7409. HStonedetail
  7410. leavePage
  7411. invitationNoTopics
  7412. highStyle2
  7413. greenDesign2
  7414. periodRevival2
  7415. conventional2
  7416. unconventional2
  7417. parkersville
  7418. hearthstonedetail
  7419. wisconsindetail
  7420. acorndetail
  7421. tcDetail
  7422. HStoneDetail
  7423. ldetail
  7424. :,DxR<cn
  7425. HearthstoneDetail
  7426. Hearthstone Timberframe  --
  7427.    General Information
  7428.    Ipswich
  7429.    Parson Capon
  7430.    Shadwell
  7431. 4md1pr3Path
  7432. "hearthstonegeneral" 
  7433. buttonUp
  7434. buttonUp
  7435. hearthstonegeneral
  7436. md1pr3Path
  7437. Ipswich
  7438. 4md1pr3Path
  7439. "PR_Hearth" 
  7440. buttonUp
  7441. buttonUp
  7442. PR_Hearth
  7443. md1pr3Path
  7444. ParsonCapon
  7445. 4md1pr3Path
  7446. "parson" 
  7447. buttonUp
  7448. buttonUp
  7449. parson
  7450. md1pr3Path
  7451. H_General
  7452. 4md1pr3Path
  7453. "shadwell" 
  7454. buttonUp
  7455. buttonUp
  7456. shadwell
  7457. md1pr3Path
  7458. :PHYSSIZE
  7460. invite
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  7462. "greenDesign2"
  7463. "periodRevival2"
  7464. "conventional2"
  7465. "parkersville"
  7466. "unconventional2"
  7467. "wisconsindetail"
  7468. "TCdetail"
  7469. "ldetail"
  7470. "acorndetail"
  7471. "HearthStonedetail"
  7472. "HStonedetail"
  7473. "invitationNoTopics"
  7474. 4md1hs1Path
  7475. "invid" 
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  7477. buttonDoubleClick
  7478. buttonUp
  7479. highStyle2
  7480. greenDesign2
  7481. periodRevival2
  7482. conventional2
  7483. parkersville
  7484. unconventional2
  7485. wisconsindetail
  7486. TCdetail
  7487. ldetail
  7488. acorndetail
  7489. HearthStonedetail
  7490. HStonedetail
  7491. invitationNoTopics
  7492. buttonDoubleClick
  7493. invid
  7494. md1hs1Path
  7495.   Invitation to Ideas
  7496. highStyle
  7497. 4md1hs1Path
  7498. "hs_berk2" 
  7499. "invitationnoTopics"
  7500. "greenDesign2"
  7501. "periodRevival2"
  7502. "conventional2"
  7503. "unconventional2"
  7504. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  7505. "parkersville" = 
  7506. "wisconsindetail" = 
  7507. "acorndetail" = 
  7508. "tcdetail" = 
  7509. "TCdetail"
  7510. "HStonedetail" = 
  7511. "ldetail" = 
  7512. "highStyle2"
  7513. DoubleClick
  7514. buttonDoubleClick
  7515. buttonUp
  7516. buttonDoubleClick
  7517. hs_berk2
  7518. md1hs1Path
  7519. buttonUp
  7520. invitationnoTopics
  7521. greenDesign2
  7522. periodRevival2
  7523. conventional2
  7524. unconventional2
  7525. hearthstonedetail
  7526. hearthstonedetail
  7527. parkersville
  7528. parkersville
  7529. wisconsindetail
  7530. wisconsindetail
  7531. acorndetail
  7532. acorndetail
  7533. tcdetail
  7534. TCdetail
  7535. HStonedetail
  7536. HStonedetail
  7537. ldetail
  7538. ldetail
  7539. highStyle2
  7540.   High Style Designgn
  7541. greenDesign
  7542. 4md1gd1Path
  7543. "gd_carp2" 
  7544. "highStyle2"
  7545. "invitationnoTopics"
  7546. "periodRevival2"
  7547. "conventional2"
  7548. "unconventional2"
  7549. "parkersville" = 
  7550. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  7551. "wisconsindetail" = 
  7552. "acorndetail" = 
  7553. "tcdetail" = 
  7554. "TCdetail"
  7555. "HStonedetail" = 
  7556. "ldetail" = 
  7557. "greenDesign2"
  7558. DoubleClick
  7559. buttonDoubleClick
  7560. buttonUp
  7561. buttonDoubleClick
  7562. gd_carp2
  7563. md1gd1Path
  7564. buttonUp
  7565. highStyle2
  7566. invitationnoTopics
  7567. periodRevival2
  7568. conventional2
  7569. unconventional2
  7570. parkersville
  7571. parkersville
  7572. hearthstonedetail
  7573. hearthstonedetail
  7574. wisconsindetail
  7575. wisconsindetail
  7576. acorndetail
  7577. acorndetail
  7578. tcdetail
  7579. TCdetail
  7580. HStonedetail
  7581. HStonedetail
  7582. ldetail
  7583. ldetail
  7584. greenDesign2
  7585.   Green Design
  7586.     ign
  7587.    Categories of Houses
  7588.    On to Construction
  7589. "highStyle2"
  7590. "invitation"
  7591. "greenDesign2"
  7592. "conventional2"
  7593. "unconventional2"
  7594. "parkersville" = 
  7595. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  7596. "wisconsindetail" = 
  7597. "acorndetail" = 
  7598. "tcdetail" = 
  7599. "TCdetail"
  7600. "HStonedetail" = 
  7601. "ldetail" = 
  7602. "periodRevival2"
  7603. 4md1pr3Path
  7604. "pr_hearth" 
  7605. buttonUp
  7606. buttonDoubleClick
  7607. buttonUp
  7608. highStyle2
  7609. invitation
  7610. greenDesign2
  7611. conventional2
  7612. unconventional2
  7613. parkersville
  7614. parkersville
  7615. hearthstonedetail
  7616. hearthstonedetail
  7617. wisconsindetail
  7618. wisconsindetail
  7619. acorndetail
  7620. acorndetail
  7621. tcdetail
  7622. TCdetail
  7623. HStonedetail
  7624. HStonedetail
  7625. ldetail
  7626. ldetail
  7627. periodRevival2
  7628. buttonDoubleClick
  7629. periodRevival2
  7630. parkersville
  7631. pr_hearth
  7632. md1pr3Path
  7633.   Period Revival Design
  7634. 4md1con5Path
  7635. "c_lindal2" 
  7636. "highStyle2"
  7637. "invitationnoTopics"
  7638. "periodRevival2"
  7639. "greenDesign2"
  7640. "parkersville" = 
  7641. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  7642. "wisconsindetail" = 
  7643. "ldetail" = 
  7644. "acorndetail" = 
  7645. "tcdetail" = 
  7646. "TCdetail"
  7647. "HStonedetail" = 
  7648. "unconventional2"
  7649. DoubleClick
  7650. buttonDoubleClick
  7651. buttonUp
  7652. buttonDoubleClick
  7653. c_lindal2
  7654. md1con5Path
  7655. buttonUp
  7656. highStyle2
  7657. invitationnoTopics
  7658. periodRevival2
  7659. greenDesign2
  7660. parkersville
  7661. parkersville
  7662. hearthstonedetail
  7663. hearthstonedetail
  7664. wisconsindetail
  7665. wisconsindetail
  7666. ldetail
  7667. ldetail
  7668. acorndetail
  7669. acorndetail
  7670. tcdetail
  7671. TCdetail
  7672. HStonedetail
  7673. HStonedetail
  7674. unconventional2
  7675. conventional2
  7676.   Conventional Design
  7677. 4md1unc3Path
  7678. "un_helix2" 
  7679. "highStyle2"
  7680. "invitationnoTopics"
  7681. "periodRevival2"
  7682. "conventional2"
  7683. "greenDesign2"
  7684. "parkersville"    
  7685. "hearthstonedetail"
  7686. "wisconsindetail"
  7687. "ldetail"    
  7688. "acorndetail"
  7689. "TCdetail"
  7690. "HStonedetail"
  7691. "unconventional2"
  7692. DoubleClick
  7693. buttonDoubleClick
  7694. buttonUp
  7695. buttonDoubleClick
  7696. un_helix2
  7697. md1unc3Path
  7698. buttonUp
  7699. highStyle2
  7700. invitationnoTopics
  7701. periodRevival2
  7702. conventional2
  7703. greenDesign2
  7704. parkersville
  7705. hearthstonedetail
  7706. wisconsindetail
  7707. ldetail
  7708. acorndetail
  7709. TCdetail
  7710. HStonedetail
  7711. unconventional2
  7712.   Unconventional Designn
  7713. InvitationNoTopics
  7714. Invitation to Ideas --
  7715. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Invitation to Ideas to flip to that section.
  7716. highStyle2
  7717. High Style Design --
  7718.   Alamo Cement House
  7719.   Bedford House
  7720.   Berkowitz-Odgis House
  7721.   Canyon Lake House
  7722.   Goldberg-Bean House
  7723.   Hewlett Harbor House
  7724.   Lazarus House
  7725.   Locke House
  7726.   MacDonald Starter Home
  7727.   McKim House
  7728.   Oxley House
  7729.   Plocek House
  7730.   Post-Earthquake House
  7731.   Sea Ranch
  7732.   Shipley Street
  7733.   Smith Cabin
  7734.   Tanglewood House
  7735.   Wyeth House
  7736. alamo
  7737. 4md1hs1Path
  7738. "hs_alam" 
  7739. buttonUp
  7740. buttonUp
  7741. hs_alam
  7742. md1hs1Path
  7743. bedford
  7744. 4md1hs2Path
  7745. "hs_bedf" 
  7746. buttonUp
  7747. buttonUp
  7748. hs_bedf
  7749. md1hs2Path
  7750. hs_berk
  7751. 4md1hs1Path
  7752. "hs_berk2" 
  7753. buttonUp
  7754. buttonUp
  7755. hs_berk2
  7756. md1hs1Path
  7757. canyon
  7758. 4md1hs3Path
  7759. "hs_cany" 
  7760. buttonUp
  7761. buttonUp
  7762. hs_cany
  7763. md1hs3Path
  7764. goldberg
  7765. 4md1hs1Path
  7766. "hs_gb" 
  7767. buttonUp
  7768. buttonUp
  7769. hs_gb
  7770. md1hs1Path
  7771. hewlett
  7772. 4md1hs5Path
  7773. "hs_hh" 
  7774. buttonUp
  7775. buttonUp
  7776. hs_hh
  7777. md1hs5Path
  7778. lazarus
  7779. 4md1hs2Path
  7780. "hs_laz" 
  7781. buttonUp
  7782. buttonUp
  7783. hs_laz
  7784. md1hs2Path
  7785. locke
  7786. 4md1hs4Path
  7787. "hs_lock" 
  7788. buttonUp
  7789. buttonUp
  7790. hs_lock
  7791. md1hs4Path
  7792. macDonald
  7793. 4md1hs4Path
  7794. "hs_macd" 
  7795. buttonUp
  7796. buttonUp
  7797. hs_macd
  7798. md1hs4Path
  7799. mcKim
  7800. 4md1hs2Path
  7801. "hs_mcKim" 
  7802. buttonUp
  7803. buttonUp
  7804. hs_mcKim
  7805. md1hs2Path
  7806. oxley
  7807. 4md1hs3Path
  7808. "hs_ox" 
  7809. buttonUp
  7810. buttonUp
  7811. hs_ox
  7812. md1hs3Path
  7813. plocek
  7814. 4md1hs1Path
  7815. "hs_ploc" 
  7816. buttonUp
  7817. buttonUp
  7818. hs_ploc
  7819. md1hs1Path
  7820. postQuake
  7821. 4md1hs2Path
  7822. "hs_post" 
  7823. buttonUp
  7824. buttonUp
  7825. hs_post
  7826. md1hs2Path
  7827. 4md1hs3Path
  7828. "hs_sr" 
  7829. buttonUp
  7830. buttonUp
  7831. hs_sr
  7832. md1hs3Path
  7833. shipley
  7834. 4md1hs4Path
  7835. "hs_ship" 
  7836. buttonUp
  7837. buttonUp
  7838. hs_ship
  7839. md1hs4Path
  7840. smith
  7841. 4md1hs5Path
  7842. "hs_smith" 
  7843. buttonUp
  7844. buttonUp
  7845. hs_smith
  7846. md1hs5Path
  7847. tanglewood
  7848. 4md1hs5Path
  7849. "hs_tang" 
  7850. buttonUp
  7851. buttonUp
  7852. hs_tang
  7853. md1hs5Path
  7854. wyeth
  7855. 4md1hs3Path
  7856. "hs_wyeth" 
  7857. buttonUp
  7858. buttonUp
  7859. hs_wyeth
  7860. md1hs3Path
  7861. greenDesign2
  7862. Green Design --
  7863.    Acorn Structures, Inc.
  7864.     Alamo Cement House
  7865.     Bedford House
  7866.     Brugler House
  7867.     Canyon Lake House
  7868.     Carpenter House
  7869.     Rosenbaum House
  7870.     Sea Ranch
  7871.     Solar Homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7872. acorn
  7873. 4md1gd3Path
  7874. "gd_acor" 
  7875. buttonUp
  7876. buttonUp
  7877. gd_acor
  7878. md1gd3Path
  7879. alamo
  7880. 4md1gd1Path
  7881. "gd_alam" 
  7882. buttonUp
  7883. buttonUp
  7884. gd_alam
  7885. md1gd1Path
  7886. >royo
  7887. 4md1gd2Path
  7888. "gd_arr" 
  7889. buttonUp
  7890. buttonUp
  7891. gd_arr
  7892. md1gd2Path
  7893. bedford
  7894. 4md1gd1Path
  7895. "gd_bedf" 
  7896. buttonUp
  7897. buttonUp
  7898. gd_bedf
  7899. md1gd1Path
  7900. brugler
  7901. 4md1gd2Path
  7902. "gd_brug" 
  7903. buttonUp
  7904. buttonUp
  7905. gd_brug
  7906. md1gd2Path
  7907. canyon
  7908. 4md1gd1Path
  7909. "gd_cany" 
  7910. buttonUp
  7911. buttonUp
  7912. gd_cany
  7913. md1gd1Path
  7914. carpenter
  7915. 4md1gd1Path
  7916. "gd_carp2" 
  7917. buttonUp
  7918. buttonUp
  7919. gd_carp2
  7920. md1gd1Path
  7921. rosenbaum
  7922. 4md1gd2Path
  7923. "gd_ros" 
  7924. buttonUp
  7925. buttonUp
  7926. gd_ros
  7927. md1gd2Path
  7928. 4md1gd1Path
  7929. "gd_sr" 
  7930. buttonUp
  7931. buttonUp
  7932. gd_sr
  7933. md1gd1Path
  7934. solar
  7935. 4md1gd2Path
  7936. "gd_sol" 
  7937. buttonUp
  7938. buttonUp
  7939. gd_sol
  7940. md1gd2Path
  7941. periodRevival2
  7942. Period Revival --
  7943.    Benson Woodworking Co.
  7944.    Chestnut Hill - New Residence
  7945.     Chestnut Hill Renovation
  7946.     Hearthstone Timberframe
  7947.     Hewlett Harbor House
  7948.     McKim House
  7949.     Parkersville Collection
  7950.     Smith Cabin
  7951.     Wisconsin Log Homes, Inc.
  7952.     Wyeth House
  7953. benson
  7954. 4md1pr5Path
  7955. "pr_bens" 
  7956. buttonUp
  7957. buttonUp
  7958. pr_bens
  7959. md1pr5Path
  7960. chestnutNew
  7961. 4md1pr2Path
  7962. "pr_ch_new" 
  7963. buttonUp
  7964. buttonUp
  7965. pr_ch_new
  7966. md1pr2Path
  7967. chestnutRen
  7968. 4md1pr1Path
  7969. "pr_ch_ren" 
  7970. buttonUp
  7971. buttonUp
  7972. pr_ch_ren
  7973. md1pr1Path
  7974. hearthstone
  7975. 4md1pr3Path
  7976. "parkersville" = 
  7977. "Wisconsindetail" = 
  7978. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  7979. "PR_Hearth" 
  7980. buttonup
  7981. buttondoubleclick
  7982. buttonup
  7983. parkersville
  7984. parkersville
  7985. Wisconsindetail
  7986. Wisconsindetail
  7987. hearthstonedetail
  7988. hearthstonedetail
  7989. md1pr3Path
  7990. buttondoubleclick
  7991. PR_Hearth
  7992. md1pr3Path
  7993. hewlett
  7994. 4md1pr1Path
  7995. "pr_hh" 
  7996. buttonUp
  7997. buttonUp
  7998. pr_hh
  7999. md1pr1Path
  8000. mckim
  8001. 4md1pr2Path
  8002. "pr_mckim" 
  8003. buttonUp
  8004. buttonUp
  8005. pr_mckim
  8006. md1pr2Path
  8007. parkersville
  8008. 4md1pr4Path
  8009. "pr_park2" 
  8010. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  8011. "Wisconsindetail" = 
  8012. "parkersville" = 
  8013. doubleclick
  8014. buttondoubleclick
  8015. buttonUp
  8016. buttondoubleclick
  8017. pr_park2
  8018. md1pr4Path
  8019. buttonUp
  8020. hearthstonedetail
  8021. hearthstonedetail
  8022. Wisconsindetail
  8023. Wisconsindetail
  8024. parkersville
  8025. parkersville
  8026. smith
  8027. 4md1pr2Path
  8028. "pr_smith" 
  8029. buttonUp
  8030. buttonUp
  8031. pr_smith
  8032. md1pr2Path
  8033. wisconsin
  8034. 4md1pr5Path
  8035. "pr_wisc" 
  8036. "parkersville" = 
  8037. "hearthstonedetail" = 
  8038. "wisconsindetail" = 
  8039. doubleclick
  8040. buttondoubleclick
  8041. buttonUp
  8042. buttondoubleclick
  8043. pr_wisc
  8044. md1pr5Path
  8045. buttonUp
  8046. parkersville
  8047. parkersville
  8048. hearthstonedetail
  8049. hearthstonedetail
  8050. wisconsindetail
  8051. wisconsindetail
  8052. wyeth
  8053. 4md1pr1Path
  8054. "pr_wyeth" 
  8055. buttonUp
  8056. buttonUp
  8057. pr_wyeth
  8058. md1pr1Path
  8059. conventional2
  8060. Conventional Design --
  8061.    Acorn Structures
  8062.     Bedford House
  8063.     Benson Woodworking Co.
  8064.     Chestnut Hill - New Residence
  8065.     Chestnut Hill - Renovation
  8066.     Hearthstone Timberframe
  8067.     Hewlett Harbor House
  8068.     Lindal Cedar Homes, Inc.
  8069.     Rosenbaum House
  8070.     Town & Country Cedar Homes
  8071.     Wyeth House
  8072. acorn
  8073. 4md1con4Path
  8074. "c_Acorn" 
  8075. buttonUP
  8076. "ldetail" = 
  8077. "hstonedetail" = 
  8078. "tcdetail" = 
  8079. "acorndetail"
  8080. doubleclick
  8081. buttondoubleclick
  8082. buttonUP
  8083. buttondoubleclick
  8084. c_Acorn
  8085. md1con4Path
  8086. buttonUP
  8087. ldetail
  8088. ldetail
  8089. hstonedetail
  8090. hstonedetail
  8091. tcdetail
  8092. tcdetail
  8093. acorndetail
  8094. bedford
  8095. 4md1con2Path
  8096. "c_bedf" 
  8097. buttonUp
  8098. buttonUp
  8099. c_bedf
  8100. md1con2Path
  8101. benson
  8102. 4md1con4Path
  8103. "c_benson" 
  8104. buttonUp
  8105. buttonUp
  8106. c_benson
  8107. md1con4Path
  8108. chestnutNew
  8109. 4md1con1Path
  8110. "c_ch_new" 
  8111. buttonUp
  8112. buttonUp
  8113. c_ch_new
  8114. md1con1Path
  8115. chestnutRen
  8116. 4md1con2Path
  8117. "c_ch_ren" 
  8118. buttonUp
  8119. buttonUp
  8120. c_ch_ren
  8121. md1con2Path
  8122. hearthstone
  8123. 4md1con3Path
  8124. "c_hrthS" 
  8125. "ldetail" = 
  8126. "acorndetail" = 
  8127. "tcdetail" = 
  8128. "HStoneDetail" = False
  8129. doubleclick
  8130. buttondoubleclick
  8131. buttonUp
  8132. buttondoubleclick
  8133. c_hrthS
  8134. md1con3Path
  8135. buttonUp
  8136. ldetail
  8137. ldetail
  8138. acorndetail
  8139. acorndetail
  8140. tcdetail
  8141. tcdetail
  8142. HStoneDetail
  8143. HStoneDetail
  8144. hewlett
  8145. 4md1con1Path
  8146. "c_hewhar" 
  8147. buttonUp
  8148. buttonUp
  8149. c_hewhar
  8150. md1con1Path
  8151. xR&]3
  8152. lindal
  8153. 4md1con5Path
  8154. "c_lindal2" 
  8155. 8md1con5path
  8156. "acorndetail" = 
  8157. "hstonedetail" = 
  8158. "tcdetail" = 
  8159. "ldetail" = 
  8160. doubleclick
  8161. buttondoubleclick
  8162. buttonUp
  8163. buttondoubleclick
  8164. c_lindal2
  8165. md1con5path
  8166. md1con5Path
  8167. buttonUp
  8168. acorndetail
  8169. acorndetail
  8170. hstonedetail
  8171. hstonedetail
  8172. tcdetail
  8173. tcdetail
  8174. ldetail
  8175. ldetail
  8176. rosenbaum
  8177. 4md1con2Path
  8178. "c_rosenb" 
  8179. buttonUp
  8180. buttonUp
  8181. c_rosenb
  8182. md1con2Path
  8183. 4md1con5Path
  8184. "c_tc" 
  8185. "ldetail" = 
  8186. "hstonedetail" = 
  8187. "acorndetail" = 
  8188. "tcdetail" = 
  8189. doubleclick
  8190. buttondoubleclick
  8191. buttonUp
  8192. buttondoubleclick
  8193. md1con5Path
  8194. buttonUp
  8195. ldetail
  8196. ldetail
  8197. hstonedetail
  8198. hstonedetail
  8199. acorndetail
  8200. acorndetail
  8201. tcdetail
  8202. tcdetail
  8203. wyeth
  8204. 4md1con1Path
  8205. "c_wyeth" 
  8206. buttonUp
  8207. buttonUp
  8208. c_wyeth
  8209. md1con1Path
  8210. unconventional2
  8211. Unconventional Design --
  8212.    Alamo Cement House
  8213.     Bedford House
  8214.     Geodesic Domes, Inc.
  8215.     Helix Structures
  8216.     MacDonald Starter Home
  8217.     Oxley House
  8218.     Post-Earthquake House
  8219. alamo
  8220. 4md1unc1Path
  8221. "un_alam" 
  8222. buttonUp
  8223. buttonUp
  8224. un_alam
  8225. md1unc1Path
  8226. bedford
  8227. 4md1unc1Path
  8228. "un_bedf" 
  8229. buttonUp
  8230. buttonUp
  8231. un_bedf
  8232. md1unc1Path
  8233. geodesic
  8234. 4md1unc3Path
  8235. "un_geod" 
  8236. buttonUp
  8237. buttonUp
  8238. un_geod
  8239. md1unc3Path
  8240. helix
  8241. 4md1unc3Path
  8242. "un_helix2" 
  8243. buttonUp
  8244. buttonUp
  8245. un_helix2
  8246. md1unc3Path
  8247. macdonald
  8248. 4md1unc2Path
  8249. "un_mac" 
  8250. buttonUp
  8251. buttonUp
  8252. un_mac
  8253. md1unc2Path
  8254. oxley
  8255. 4md1unc1Path
  8256. "un_ox" 
  8257. buttonUp
  8258. buttonUp
  8259. un_ox
  8260. md1unc1Path
  8261. postQuake
  8262. 4md1unc1Path
  8263. "un_post" 
  8264. buttonUp
  8265. buttonUp
  8266. un_post
  8267. md1unc1Path
  8268. Directions --
  8269. Single click on a title to display
  8270.    a list of topics in the next 
  8271.    column.
  8272. Double click on a title in any 
  8273.    column to go directly to that 
  8274.    section...
  8275. 4mainPath
  8276. "hdMap" 
  8277. buttonUp
  8278. buttonUp
  8279. hdMap
  8280. mainPath
  8281. House Design Map
  8282. 4mainPath
  8283. "kbmap" 
  8284. buttonUp
  8285. buttonUp
  8286. kbmap
  8287. mainPath
  8288. Kitchen & Bath Map
  8289. 4mainPath
  8290. "resourcesMap"
  8291. buttonUp
  8292. buttonUp
  8293. resourcesMap
  8294. mainPath
  8295. Resources Map
  8296. 4mainPath
  8297. buttonUp
  8298. buttonUp
  8299. mainPath
  8300. BUTTONUP
  8301. BUTTONUP
  8302. BUTTONUP
  8303. buttonUp
  8304. buttonUp
  8305. Previous
  8306. Parkersville
  8307. Parkersville Collection  -- 
  8308.   General Information
  8309.   Aunt Marion Cope's House
  8310.   Captain McNall's River House
  8311.   Charlotte Corbin's Cottage
  8312.   Colonel Kenneth Harley's Home Place
  8313.   Huck Smith's Farmhouse
  8314.   Judge Daniel Cowart's House
  8315.   Katherine Mizel's Country House
  8316.   Professor Gordon's Village House
  8317.   Robin Hardy's Bungalow
  8318.   The Bruce Gordon House
  8319.   The Douglas Family House
  8320.   Uncle Henry Cottrell's Place 
  8321. ParkGeneral
  8322. 4md1pr4Path
  8323. "PR_Park2" 
  8324. buttonUp
  8325. buttonUp
  8326. PR_Park2
  8327. md1pr4Path
  8328. AuntMarion
  8329. 4md1pr4Path
  8330. "AuntMarion" 
  8331. buttonUp
  8332. buttonUp
  8333. AuntMarion
  8334. md1pr4Path
  8335. CaptainMcNall
  8336. 4md1pr4Path
  8337. "CaptainMcNall" 
  8338. buttonUp
  8339. buttonUp
  8340. CaptainMcNall
  8341. md1pr4Path
  8342. 4md1pr4Path
  8343. "Charlotte" 
  8344. buttonUp
  8345. buttonUp
  8346. Charlotte
  8347. md1pr4Path
  8348. 4md1pr4Path
  8349. "Kenneth" 
  8350. buttonUp
  8351. buttonUp
  8352. Kenneth
  8353. md1pr4Path
  8354. 4md1pr4Path
  8355. "HuckSmith" 
  8356. buttonUp
  8357. buttonUp
  8358. HuckSmith
  8359. md1pr4Path
  8360. 4md1pr4Path
  8361. "DanielCowart" 
  8362. buttonUp
  8363. buttonUp
  8364. DanielCowart
  8365. md1pr4Path
  8366. 4md1pr4Path
  8367. "Mizel" 
  8368. buttonUp
  8369. buttonUp
  8370. Mizel
  8371. md1pr4Path
  8372. 4md1pr4Path
  8373. "Gordon" 
  8374. buttonUp
  8375. buttonUp
  8376. Gordon
  8377. md1pr4Path
  8378. 4md1pr4Path
  8379. "Robin" 
  8380. buttonUp
  8381. buttonUp
  8382. Robin
  8383. md1pr4Path
  8384. 4md1pr4Path
  8385. "BruceGordon" 
  8386. buttonUp
  8387. buttonUp
  8388. BruceGordon
  8389. md1pr4Path
  8390. 4md1pr4Path
  8391. "Douglas" 
  8392. buttonUp
  8393. buttonUp
  8394. Douglas
  8395. md1pr4Path
  8396. Henry Cottrell
  8397. 4md1pr4Path
  8398. "henrycottrell" 
  8399. buttonUp
  8400. buttonUp
  8401. henrycottrell
  8402. md1pr4Path
  8403. WisconsinDetail
  8404. Wisconsin Log Homes, Inc. --
  8405.    General Information
  8406.   Ogdensburg
  8407.    Sandlewoodddd
  8408. 4md1pr5Path
  8409. "pr_wisc" 
  8410. buttonup
  8411. buttonup
  8412. pr_wisc
  8413. md1pr5Path
  8414. buttonUP
  8415. 4md1pr5Path
  8416. "Ogdensburg" 
  8417. buttonUP
  8418. buttonUP
  8419. Ogdensburg
  8420. md1pr5Path
  8421. 4md1pr5Path
  8422. "Sandlewood" 
  8423. buttonUp
  8424. buttonUp
  8425. Sandlewood
  8426. md1pr5Path
  8427. AcornDetail
  8428. Acorn Structures --
  8429.  General Information
  8430.   Country House 3300
  8431.   Country House 3600
  8432.   Farmstead 2250
  8433.   Farmstead 3700
  8434.   Farmstead 2000
  8435.   Farmstead 14500
  8436. 4md1con4Path
  8437. "c_Acorn" 
  8438. buttonup
  8439. buttonup
  8440. c_Acorn
  8441. md1con4Path
  8442. 4md1con4Path
  8443. "C_Acorn" 
  8444. buttonUp
  8445. buttonUp
  8446. C_Acorn
  8447. md1con4Path
  8448. 4md1con4Path
  8449. "C_3600" 
  8450. buttonUp
  8451. buttonUp
  8452. C_3600
  8453. md1con4Path
  8454. 4md1con4Path
  8455. "F_2250" 
  8456. buttonUp
  8457. buttonUp
  8458. F_2250
  8459. md1con4Path
  8460. 4md1con4Path
  8461. "F_3700" 
  8462. buttonUp
  8463. buttonUp
  8464. F_3700
  8465. md1con4Path
  8466. 4md1con4Path
  8467. "F_2000" 
  8468. buttonUp
  8469. buttonUp
  8470. F_2000
  8471. md1con4Path
  8472. 4md1con4Path
  8473. "F_1450" 
  8474. buttonUp
  8475. buttonUp
  8476. F_1450
  8477. md1con4Path
  8478. TCDetail
  8479. Town & Country Cedar Homes --
  8480.   General Information
  8481.    Pitched Roof Palladium
  8482.    Prow Pitched Roof
  8483.    Pitched Roof Chalett
  8484. 4md1con5Path
  8485. "c_tc" 
  8486. buttonup
  8487. buttonup
  8488. md1con5Path
  8489. 4md1con5Path
  8490. "PitchedRoof" 
  8491. buttonUp
  8492. buttonUp
  8493. PitchedRoof
  8494. md1con5Path
  8495. 4md1con5Path
  8496. "ProwPitched" 
  8497. buttonUp
  8498. buttonUp
  8499. ProwPitched
  8500. md1con5Path
  8501. Chalet
  8502. 4md1con5Path
  8503. "chalet" 
  8504. buttonUp
  8505. buttonUp
  8506. chalet
  8507. md1con5Path
  8508. HStoneDetail
  8509. Hearthstone Timberframe  --
  8510.  General Information
  8511.   Westwood
  8512.   Windsorr
  8513. 4md1con3Path
  8514. "chgeneral" 
  8515. buttonup
  8516. buttonup
  8517. chgeneral
  8518. md1con3Path
  8519. 4md1con3Path
  8520. "C_HrthS" 
  8521. buttonUp
  8522. buttonUp
  8523. C_HrthS
  8524. md1con3Path
  8525. 4md1con3Path
  8526. "windsor" 
  8527. buttonUp
  8528. buttonUp
  8529. windsor
  8530. md1con3Path
  8531. LDetail
  8532. Lindal Cedar Homes, Inc. -- 
  8533.   General Information
  8534.    One Of A Kind #3
  8535.    One Of A Kind #4
  8536.    One Of A Kind #7
  8537.    Sunburst
  8538.    Lake Vistaa
  8539. 4md1con5Path
  8540. "c_lindal2" 
  8541. 8md1con5path
  8542. buttonUp
  8543. buttonUp
  8544. c_lindal2
  8545. md1con5path
  8546. md1con5Path
  8547. 4md1con5Path
  8548. "three" 
  8549. Book 
  8550. buttonUp
  8551. buttonUp
  8552. three
  8553. md1con5Path
  8554. 4md1con5Path
  8555. "Four" 
  8556. 8md1con5path
  8557. buttonUp
  8558. buttonUp
  8559. md1con5path
  8560. md1con5Path
  8561. 4md1con5path
  8562. "Seven" 
  8563. 8md1con5Path
  8564. buttonUp
  8565. buttonUp
  8566. Seven
  8567. md1con5Path
  8568. md1con5path
  8569. 4md1con5path
  8570. "sunburst" 
  8571. 8md1con5Path
  8572. buttonUp
  8573. buttonUp
  8574. sunburst
  8575. md1con5Path
  8576. md1con5path
  8577. 4md1con5path
  8578. "vista" 
  8579. 8md1con5Path
  8580. buttonUp
  8581. buttonUp
  8582. vista
  8583. md1con5Path
  8584. md1con5path
  8585. enterPage
  8586. leavePage
  8587. enterPage
  8588. invitationnoTopics
  8589. highStyle2
  8590. greenDesign2
  8591. periodRevival2
  8592. conventional2
  8593. unconventional2
  8594. parkersville
  8595. hearthstonedetail
  8596. wisconsindetail
  8597. acorndetail
  8598. ldetail
  8599. TCdetail
  8600. HStonedetail
  8601. leavePage
  8602. invitationNoTopics
  8603. highStyle2
  8604. greenDesign2
  8605. periodRevival2
  8606. conventional2
  8607. unconventional2
  8608. parkersville
  8609. hearthstonedetail
  8610. wisconsindetail
  8611. acorndetail
  8612. tcDetail
  8613. HStoneDetail
  8614. ldetail
  8615. buttonDoubleClick
  8616. questionnaire
  8617. hdpPath
  8618. oneHouse
  8619. One Complete House --
  8620. No sub-topics to this section. Please double click on the One Complete House button to flip to that section.
  8621. anchoringBuilding2
  8622. Anchoring the Building --
  8623. Nature & Culture
  8624. Eco-Regions --
  8625.   Polar/Tundra
  8626.   Polar/Subarctic
  8627.   Humid Temperate/Warm Continental
  8628.   Humid Temperate/Hot Continental
  8629.   Humid Temperate/Subtropic
  8630.   Humid Temperate/Marine
  8631.   Humid Temperate/Prairie
  8632.   Humid Temperate/Mediterranean
  8633.   Dry/Steppe
  8634.   Dry/Desert
  8635.   Humid Tropical/Savanna
  8636.   Humid Tropical/Rainforest
  8637. Prospect, Refuge and Hazard
  8638. Neighborhood Patterns and Context
  8639. natureCulture
  8640. 4hdcPath
  8641. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8642. "prinDesign"
  8643. "natureCulture" 
  8644. buttonUp
  8645. buttonUp
  8646. anchoringBuilding2
  8647. prinDesign
  8648. natureCulture
  8649. hdcPath
  8650. 4hdcPath
  8651. "prinDesign"
  8652. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8653. "ecomain" 
  8654. buttonUp
  8655. buttonUp
  8656. prinDesign
  8657. anchoringBuilding2
  8658. ecomain
  8659. hdcPath
  8660. polar
  8661. 4hdcPath
  8662. "prinDesign"
  8663. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8664. "polar" 
  8665. buttonUp
  8666. buttonUp
  8667. prinDesign
  8668. anchoringBuilding2
  8669. polar
  8670. hdcPath
  8671. subarctic
  8672. 4hdcPath
  8673. "prinDesign"
  8674. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8675. "subarctic" 
  8676. buttonUp
  8677. buttonUp
  8678. prinDesign
  8679. anchoringBuilding2
  8680. subarctic
  8681. hdcPath
  8682. warmContinent
  8683. 4hdcPath
  8684. "prinDesign"
  8685. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8686. "warmContinental" 
  8687. 8hdcpath
  8688. buttonUp
  8689. buttonUp
  8690. prinDesign
  8691. anchoringBuilding2
  8692. warmContinental
  8693. hdcpath
  8694. hdcPath
  8695. hotContinental
  8696. 4hdcPath
  8697. "prinDesign"
  8698. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8699. "hotContinental" 
  8700. buttonUp
  8701. buttonUp
  8702. prinDesign
  8703. anchoringBuilding2
  8704. hotContinental
  8705. hdcPath
  8706. subtropic
  8707. 4hdcPath
  8708. "prinDesign"
  8709. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8710. "subtropic" 
  8711. buttonUp
  8712. buttonUp
  8713. prinDesign
  8714. anchoringBuilding2
  8715. subtropic
  8716. hdcPath
  8717. marine
  8718. 4hdcPath
  8719. "prinDesign"
  8720. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8721. "marine" 
  8722. buttonUp
  8723. buttonUp
  8724. prinDesign
  8725. anchoringBuilding2
  8726. marine
  8727. hdcPath
  8728. prairie
  8729. 4hdcPath
  8730. "prinDesign"
  8731. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8732. "prairie" 
  8733. buttonUp
  8734. buttonUp
  8735. prinDesign
  8736. anchoringBuilding2
  8737. prairie
  8738. hdcPath
  8739. mediterranean
  8740. 4hdcpath
  8741. "prinDesign"
  8742. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8743. "mediterranean" 
  8744. 8hdcPath
  8745. buttonUp
  8746. buttonUp
  8747. prinDesign
  8748. anchoringBuilding2
  8749. mediterranean
  8750. hdcPath
  8751. hdcpath
  8752. steppe
  8753. 4hdcPath
  8754. "prinDesign"
  8755. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8756. "steppe" 
  8757. buttonUp
  8758. buttonUp
  8759. prinDesign
  8760. anchoringBuilding2
  8761. steppe
  8762. hdcPath
  8763. desert
  8764. 4hdcpath
  8765. "prinDesign"
  8766. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8767. "desert" 
  8768. 8hdcPath
  8769. buttonUp
  8770. buttonUp
  8771. prinDesign
  8772. anchoringBuilding2
  8773. desert
  8774. hdcPath
  8775. hdcpath
  8776. savanna
  8777. 4hdcPath
  8778. "prinDesign"
  8779. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8780. "savanna" 
  8781. buttonUp
  8782. buttonUp
  8783. prinDesign
  8784. anchoringBuilding2
  8785. savanna
  8786. hdcPath
  8787. rainforest
  8788. 4hdcPath
  8789. "prinDesign"
  8790. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8791. "rainforest" 
  8792. buttonUp
  8793. buttonUp
  8794. prinDesign
  8795. anchoringBuilding2
  8796. rainforest
  8797. hdcPath
  8798. prospect
  8799. 4hdePath
  8800. "prinDesign"
  8801. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8802. "prospect" 
  8803. buttonUp
  8804. buttonUp
  8805. prinDesign
  8806. anchoringBuilding2
  8807. prospect
  8808. hdePath
  8809. patterns
  8810. 4hdePath
  8811. "prinDesign"
  8812. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8813. "patterns" 
  8814. buttonUp
  8815. buttonUp
  8816. prinDesign
  8817. anchoringBuilding2
  8818. patterns
  8819. hdePath
  8820. watsons2
  8821. Watson's Five Metaphors --
  8822. Art v. Science
  8823. House as Natural Heat Exchanger
  8824. House as Natural Light Diffuser
  8825. House as a Micro-Climate
  8826. House as a Biological System
  8827. House as an Ecological Nicheeegical Niche
  8828. watsonsArt
  8829. 4hdePath
  8830. "prinDesign"
  8831. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8832. "watsons2"
  8833. "watsonArt" 
  8834. buttonUp
  8835. buttonUp
  8836. prinDesign
  8837. anchoringBuilding2
  8838. watsons2
  8839. watsonArt
  8840. hdePath
  8841. 4hdePath
  8842. "prinDesign"
  8843. "watsons2"
  8844. "watsonsHeat" 
  8845. buttonUp
  8846. buttonUp
  8847. prinDesign
  8848. watsons2
  8849. watsonsHeat
  8850. hdePath
  8851. light
  8852. 4hdePath
  8853. "prinDesign"
  8854. "watsons2"
  8855. "watsonsLight" 
  8856. buttonUp
  8857. buttonUp
  8858. prinDesign
  8859. watsons2
  8860. watsonsLight
  8861. hdePath
  8862. microclimate
  8863. 4hdePath
  8864. "prinDesign"
  8865. "watsons2"
  8866. "watsonsMicroclimate" 
  8867. buttonUp
  8868. buttonUp
  8869. prinDesign
  8870. watsons2
  8871. watsonsMicroclimate
  8872. hdePath
  8873. biology
  8874. 4hdePath
  8875. "prinDesign"
  8876. "watsons2"
  8877. "watsonsBiology" 
  8878. buttonUp
  8879. buttonUp
  8880. prinDesign
  8881. watsons2
  8882. watsonsBiology
  8883. hdePath
  8884. ecology
  8885. 4hdePath
  8886. "prinDesign"
  8887. "watsons2"
  8888. "watsonsEcology" 
  8889. buttonUp
  8890. buttonUp
  8891. prinDesign
  8892. watsons2
  8893. watsonsEcology
  8894. hdePath
  8895. matPrins
  8896. Material Principles --
  8897. Means and Ends
  8898. Build for Reuse
  8899. Conserve Material Resources
  8900. Conserve Energy Resources
  8901. Avoid Toxic Materials
  8902. meansandEnds
  8903. 4hdfPath
  8904. "prinDesign"
  8905. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8906. "matPrins"
  8907. "materialPrinciples" 
  8908. buttonUp
  8909. buttonUp
  8910. prinDesign
  8911. anchoringBuilding2
  8912. matPrins
  8913. materialPrinciples
  8914. hdfPath
  8915. buildReuse
  8916. 4hdfPath
  8917. "prinDesign"
  8918. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8919. "matPrins"
  8920. "reuse" 
  8921. buttonUp
  8922. buttonUp
  8923. prinDesign
  8924. anchoringBuilding2
  8925. matPrins
  8926. reuse
  8927. hdfPath
  8928. materialResources
  8929. 4hdfPath
  8930. "prinDesign"
  8931. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8932. "matPrins"
  8933. "conserveMaterials" 
  8934. buttonUp
  8935. buttonUp
  8936. prinDesign
  8937. anchoringBuilding2
  8938. matPrins
  8939. conserveMaterials
  8940. hdfPath
  8941. energyResources
  8942. 4hdfPath
  8943. "prinDesign"
  8944. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8945. "matPrins"
  8946. "conserveEnergy" 
  8947. buttonUp
  8948. buttonUp
  8949. prinDesign
  8950. anchoringBuilding2
  8951. matPrins
  8952. conserveEnergy
  8953. hdfPath
  8954. avoidToxic
  8955. 4hdfpath
  8956. "prinDesign"
  8957. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8958. "matPrins"
  8959. "avoidToxic" 
  8960. 8hdfPath
  8961. buttonUp
  8962. buttonUp
  8963. prinDesign
  8964. anchoringBuilding2
  8965. matPrins
  8966. avoidToxic
  8967. hdfPath
  8968. hdfpath
  8969. formalPrins
  8970. Formal Principles --
  8971. On Harmony
  8972. Organizing the Parts
  8973. Centered Plans
  8974. Linear Plans
  8975. Clustered Plans
  8976. onHarmony
  8977. 4hdgPath
  8978. "prinDesign"
  8979. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8980. "matPrins"
  8981. "formalPrins"
  8982. "onHarmony" 
  8983. buttonUp
  8984. buttonUp
  8985. prinDesign
  8986. anchoringBuilding2
  8987. matPrins
  8988. formalPrins
  8989. onHarmony
  8990. hdgPath
  8991. organizingParts
  8992. 4hdgPath
  8993. "prinDesign"
  8994. "anchoringBuilding2"
  8995. "matPrins"
  8996. "formalPrins"
  8997. "organizingParts" 
  8998. buttonUp
  8999. buttonUp
  9000. prinDesign
  9001. anchoringBuilding2
  9002. matPrins
  9003. formalPrins
  9004. organizingParts
  9005. hdgPath
  9006. @pJt=
  9007. centeredPlans
  9008. 4hdgPath
  9009. "prinDesign"
  9010. "anchoringBuilding2"
  9011. "matPrins"
  9012. "formalPrins"
  9013. "centeredPlans" 
  9014. buttonUp
  9015. buttonUp
  9016. prinDesign
  9017. anchoringBuilding2
  9018. matPrins
  9019. formalPrins
  9020. centeredPlans
  9021. hdgPath
  9022. linearPlans
  9023. 4hdgPath
  9024. "prinDesign"
  9025. "anchoringBuilding2"
  9026. "matPrins"
  9027. "formalPrins"
  9028. "linearPlans" 
  9029. buttonUp
  9030. buttonUp
  9031. prinDesign
  9032. anchoringBuilding2
  9033. matPrins
  9034. formalPrins
  9035. linearPlans
  9036. hdgPath
  9037. clusteredPlans
  9038. 4hdgPath
  9039. "prinDesign"
  9040. "anchoringBuilding2"
  9041. "matPrins"
  9042. "formalPrins"
  9043. "clusteredPlans" 
  9044. buttonUp
  9045. buttonUp
  9046. prinDesign
  9047. anchoringBuilding2
  9048. matPrins
  9049. formalPrins
  9050. clusteredPlans
  9051. hdgPath
  9052. noTopic
  9053. Making Places --
  9054. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Making Places to flip to that section.
  9055. constructTechniques
  9056. Construction Techniques --Tectonics
  9057. Timber Frame
  9058. Braced Frame
  9059. Balloon Frame
  9060. Platform Frame
  9061. Log Construction
  9062. Masonry
  9063. Brick
  9064. Stone
  9065. Concrete
  9066. Adobe 
  9067. Earth-sheltered
  9068. Manufactured
  9069. Geodesic
  9070. tectonics
  9071. 4hdhPath
  9072. "constructTechniques"
  9073. buttonUp
  9074. buttonUp
  9075. constructTechniques
  9076. constructTechniques
  9077. hdhPath
  9078. timberFrame
  9079. 4hdhPath
  9080. "constructTechniques"
  9081. "timberFrame" 
  9082. buttonUp
  9083. buttonUp
  9084. constructTechniques
  9085. timberFrame
  9086. hdhPath
  9087. bracedFrame
  9088. 4hdhPath
  9089. "constructTechniques"
  9090. "bracedFrame" 
  9091. buttonUp
  9092. buttonUp
  9093. constructTechniques
  9094. bracedFrame
  9095. hdhPath
  9096. balloonFrame
  9097. 4hdhPath
  9098. "constructTechniques"
  9099. "balloonFrame" 
  9100. buttonUp
  9101. buttonUp
  9102. constructTechniques
  9103. balloonFrame
  9104. hdhPath
  9105. platformFrame
  9106. 4hdhPath
  9107. "constructTechniques"
  9108. "platformFrame" 
  9109. buttonUp
  9110. buttonUp
  9111. constructTechniques
  9112. platformFrame
  9113. hdhPath
  9114. logConstruction
  9115. 4hdhPath
  9116. "constructTechniques"
  9117. "logConstruction" 
  9118. buttonUp
  9119. buttonUp
  9120. constructTechniques
  9121. logConstruction
  9122. hdhPath
  9123. masonry
  9124. 4hdhPath
  9125. "constructTechniques"
  9126. "masonry" 
  9127. buttonUp
  9128. buttonUp
  9129. constructTechniques
  9130. masonry
  9131. hdhPath
  9132. brick
  9133. 4hdhPath
  9134. "constructTechniques"
  9135. "brick" 
  9136. buttonUp
  9137. buttonUp
  9138. constructTechniques
  9139. brick
  9140. hdhPath
  9141. stone
  9142. 4hdhPath
  9143. "constructTechniques"
  9144. "stone" 
  9145. buttonUp
  9146. buttonUp
  9147. constructTechniques
  9148. stone
  9149. hdhPath
  9150. concrete
  9151. 4hdhPath
  9152. "constructTechniques"
  9153. "concrete" 
  9154. buttonUp
  9155. buttonUp
  9156. constructTechniques
  9157. concrete
  9158. hdhPath
  9159. 4hdhPath
  9160. "constructTechniques"
  9161. "sod" 
  9162. buttonUp
  9163. buttonUp
  9164. constructTechniques
  9165. hdhPath
  9166. adobe
  9167. 4hdhPath
  9168. "constructTechniques"
  9169. "adobe" 
  9170. buttonUp
  9171. buttonUp
  9172. constructTechniques
  9173. adobe
  9174. hdhPath
  9175. earthSheltered
  9176. 4hdhPath
  9177. "constructTechniques"
  9178. "earthSheltered" 
  9179. buttonUp
  9180. buttonUp
  9181. constructTechniques
  9182. earthSheltered
  9183. hdhPath
  9184. manufactured
  9185. 4hdhPath
  9186. "constructTechniques"
  9187. "manufactured" 
  9188. buttonUp
  9189. buttonUp
  9190. constructTechniques
  9191. manufactured
  9192. hdhPath
  9193. geodesic
  9194. 4hdhPath
  9195. "constructTechniques"
  9196. "geodesic" 
  9197. buttonUp
  9198. buttonUp
  9199. constructTechniques
  9200. geodesic
  9201. hdhPath
  9202. noTopics
  9203. No sub-topics for this section. Please double click on Determinants of Form to flip to that section.
  9204. histPlanTypes2
  9205. Historic Plan Types --
  9206. Layers of Influence
  9207. One Room Plan
  9208. Central Chimney Plan
  9209. Central Hall Plan
  9210. Side Hall Plan
  9211. Back Hall Plan
  9212. L-Shaped Plan
  9213. Shotgun Plan
  9214. Saddlebag Plan
  9215. Dog-Trot Plan
  9216. Extended Farmhouse Plan
  9217. Plantation House
  9218. Charleston Plan
  9219. Polygonal Plan
  9220. Tenement Plan
  9221. Courtyard Plan
  9222. Living Hall Plan
  9223. Sala Plan
  9224. layersInfluence
  9225. 4hdhPath
  9226. "histPlanTypes"
  9227. "histPlans" 
  9228. buttonUp
  9229. buttonUp
  9230. histPlanTypes
  9231. histPlans
  9232. hdhPath
  9233. oneRoomPlan
  9234. 4hdhPath
  9235. "histPlanTypes"
  9236. "oneRoomPlan" 
  9237. buttonUp
  9238. buttonUp
  9239. histPlanTypes
  9240. oneRoomPlan
  9241. hdhPath
  9242. centralChimneyPlan
  9243. 4hdhPath
  9244. "histPlanTypes"
  9245. "centralChimneyPlan" 
  9246. buttonUp
  9247. buttonUp
  9248. histPlanTypes
  9249. centralChimneyPlan
  9250. hdhPath
  9251. centralHallPlan
  9252. 4hdhPath
  9253. "histPlanTypes"
  9254. "centralHallPlan" 
  9255. buttonup
  9256. buttonup
  9257. histPlanTypes
  9258. centralHallPlan
  9259. hdhPath
  9260. sideHallPlan
  9261. 4hdhPath
  9262. "histPlanTypes"
  9263. "sideHallPlan" 
  9264. buttonUp
  9265. buttonUp
  9266. histPlanTypes
  9267. sideHallPlan
  9268. hdhPath
  9269. backHallPlan
  9270. 4hdhpath
  9271. "histPlanTypes"
  9272. "backHallPlan" 
  9273. 8hdhPath
  9274. buttonUp
  9275. buttonUp
  9276. histPlanTypes
  9277. backHallPlan
  9278. hdhPath
  9279. hdhpath
  9280. LShapedPlan
  9281. 4hdhpath
  9282. "histPlanTypes"
  9283. "LShapedPlan" 
  9284. 8hdhPath
  9285. buttonUp
  9286. buttonUp
  9287. histPlanTypes
  9288. LShapedPlan
  9289. hdhPath
  9290. hdhpath
  9291. shotgun
  9292. 4hdmpath
  9293. "histPlanTypes2"
  9294. "shotgun" 
  9295. 8hdmPath
  9296. buttonUp
  9297. buttonUp
  9298. histPlanTypes2
  9299. shotgun
  9300. hdmPath
  9301. hdmpath
  9302. saddlebag
  9303. 4hdmpath
  9304. "histPlanTypes2"
  9305. "saddlebag" 
  9306. 8hdmPath
  9307. buttonUp
  9308. buttonUp
  9309. histPlanTypes2
  9310. saddlebag
  9311. hdmPath
  9312. hdmpath
  9313. dogtrot
  9314. 4hdmpath
  9315. "histPlanTypes2"
  9316. "dogtrot" 
  9317. 8hdmPath
  9318. buttonUp
  9319. buttonUp
  9320. histPlanTypes2
  9321. dogtrot
  9322. hdmPath
  9323. hdmpath
  9324. extendedFarmhouse
  9325. 4hdmpath
  9326. "extendedFarmhouse" 
  9327. 8hdmPath
  9328. buttonUp
  9329. buttonUp
  9330. extendedFarmhouse
  9331. hdmPath
  9332. hdmpath
  9333. plantation
  9334. 4hdmpath
  9335. "histPlanTypes2"
  9336. "plantation" 
  9337. 8hdmPath
  9338. buttonUp
  9339. buttonUp
  9340. histPlanTypes2
  9341. plantation
  9342. hdmPath
  9343. hdmpath
  9344. charleston
  9345. 4hdmpath
  9346. "histPlanTypes2"
  9347. "charleston" 
  9348. 8hdmPath
  9349. buttonUp
  9350. buttonUp
  9351. histPlanTypes2
  9352. charleston
  9353. hdmPath
  9354. hdmpath
  9355. polygonal
  9356. &'#_ 
  9357. 4hdmpath
  9358. "histPlanTypes2"
  9359. "polygonal" 
  9360. 8hdmPath
  9361. buttonUp
  9362. buttonUp
  9363. histPlanTypes2
  9364. polygonal
  9365. hdmPath
  9366. hdmpath
  9367. tenement
  9368. &/@_!
  9369. 4hdmpath
  9370. "histPlanTypes2"
  9371. "tenement" 
  9372. 8hdmPath
  9373. buttonUp
  9374. buttonUp
  9375. histPlanTypes2
  9376. tenement
  9377. hdmPath
  9378. hdmpath
  9379. courtyard
  9380. 4hdmpath
  9381. "histPlanTypes2"
  9382. "courtyard" 
  9383. 8hdmPath
  9384. buttonUp
  9385. buttonUp
  9386. histPlanTypes2
  9387. courtyard
  9388. hdmPath
  9389. hdmpath
  9390. livingHall
  9391. 4hdmpath
  9392. "histPlanTypes2"
  9393. "livingHall" 
  9394. 8hdmPath
  9395. buttonUp
  9396. buttonUp
  9397. histPlanTypes2
  9398. livingHall
  9399. hdmPath
  9400. hdmpath
  9401. 4hdmpath
  9402. "histPlanTypes2"
  9403. "sala" 
  9404. 8hdmPath
  9405. buttonUp
  9406. buttonUp
  9407. histPlanTypes2
  9408. hdmPath
  9409. hdmpath
  9410. histStyles
  9411. Historic Styles --
  9412. The Place of Style
  9413. Colonial Period
  9414.   Northeast
  9415.   Mid-Atlantic & South
  9416.   Mississippi Region
  9417.   Southwest Region
  9418.   Caribbean Region 
  9419.   Styles of the Colonial Period
  9420. Early National Period
  9421.   Federal 
  9422.    Greek Revival
  9423. Early Victorian Period
  9424.    Early Victorian
  9425.    Gothic Revival 
  9426.    Italianate
  9427.    Mansard
  9428. Late Victorian Period
  9429.   Late Victorian
  9430.    High Victorian Gothic
  9431.    Stick 
  9432.    Queen Anne 
  9433.    Chatauesque 
  9434.    Other Picturesque Motifs
  9435.    Richardsonian Romanesque
  9436. Late National Period
  9437.   Colonial Revival
  9438.    Shingle 
  9439.    Renaissance
  9440.    Arts and Crafts
  9441.    Prairie
  9442. International Period
  9443. placeStyle
  9444. 4hdmPath
  9445. "categHouses"
  9446. "histStyles"
  9447. "placeStyle" 
  9448. buttonUp
  9449. buttonUp
  9450. categHouses
  9451. histStyles
  9452. placeStyle
  9453. hdmPath
  9454. northEast
  9455. 4hdmPath
  9456. "categHouses"
  9457. "histStyles"
  9458. "northeast" 
  9459. buttonUp
  9460. buttonUp
  9461. categHouses
  9462. histStyles
  9463. northeast
  9464. hdmPath
  9465. midAtlantic
  9466. 4hdmPath
  9467. "categHouses"
  9468. "histStyles"
  9469. "midAtlantic" 
  9470. buttonUp
  9471. buttonUp
  9472. categHouses
  9473. histStyles
  9474. midAtlantic
  9475. hdmPath
  9476. mississippi
  9477. 4hdmPath
  9478. "categHouses"
  9479. "histStyles"
  9480. "mississippi" 
  9481. buttonUp
  9482. buttonUp
  9483. categHouses
  9484. histStyles
  9485. mississippi
  9486. hdmPath
  9487. southWest
  9488. 4hdmPath
  9489. "categHouses"
  9490. "histStyles"
  9491. "southWest" 
  9492. buttonUp
  9493. buttonUp
  9494. categHouses
  9495. histStyles
  9496. southWest
  9497. hdmPath
  9498. caribbean
  9499. 4hdmPath
  9500. "categHouses"
  9501. "histStyles"
  9502. "caribbean" 
  9503. buttonUp
  9504. buttonUp
  9505. categHouses
  9506. histStyles
  9507. caribbean
  9508. hdmPath
  9509. archStyles
  9510. 4hdmPath
  9511. "categHouses"
  9512. "histStyles"
  9513. "archStyles" 
  9514. buttonUp
  9515. buttonUp
  9516. categHouses
  9517. histStyles
  9518. archStyles
  9519. hdmPath
  9520. federal
  9521. 4hdmPath
  9522. "categHouses"
  9523. "histStyles"
  9524. "federal" 
  9525. buttonUp
  9526. buttonUp
  9527. categHouses
  9528. histStyles
  9529. federal
  9530. hdmPath
  9531. greekRevival
  9532. 4hdmPath
  9533. "categHouses"
  9534. "histStyles"
  9535. "greekRevival" 
  9536. buttonUp
  9537. buttonUp
  9538. categHouses
  9539. histStyles
  9540. greekRevival
  9541. hdmPath
  9542. earlyVictorian
  9543. 4hdmPath
  9544. "categHouses"
  9545. "histStyles"
  9546. "victorian" 
  9547. buttonUp
  9548. buttonUp
  9549. categHouses
  9550. histStyles
  9551. victorian
  9552. hdmPath
  9553. gothicRevival
  9554. 4hdmPath
  9555. "categHouses"
  9556. "histStyles"
  9557. "gothicRevival" 
  9558. buttonUp
  9559. buttonUp
  9560. categHouses
  9561. histStyles
  9562. gothicRevival
  9563. hdmPath
  9564. italianate
  9565. 4hdmPath
  9566. "categHouses"
  9567. "histStyles"
  9568. "italianate" 
  9569. buttonUp
  9570. buttonUp
  9571. categHouses
  9572. histStyles
  9573. italianate
  9574. hdmPath
  9575. mansard
  9576. 4hdmPath
  9577. "categHouses"
  9578. "histStyles"
  9579. "mansard" 
  9580. buttonUp
  9581. buttonUp
  9582. categHouses
  9583. histStyles
  9584. mansard
  9585. hdmPath
  9586. lateVictorian
  9587. 4hdmPath
  9588. "categHouses"
  9589. "histStyles"
  9590. "lateVictorian" 
  9591. buttonUp
  9592. buttonUp
  9593. categHouses
  9594. histStyles
  9595. lateVictorian
  9596. hdmPath
  9597. highVGothic
  9598. 4hdmPath
  9599. "categHouses"
  9600. "histStyles"
  9601. "highVGothic" 
  9602. buttonUp
  9603. buttonUp
  9604. categHouses
  9605. histStyles
  9606. highVGothic
  9607. hdmPath
  9608. stick
  9609. 4hdmPath
  9610. "categHouses"
  9611. "histStyles"
  9612. "stick" 
  9613. buttonUp
  9614. buttonUp
  9615. categHouses
  9616. histStyles
  9617. stick
  9618. hdmPath
  9619. queenAnne
  9620. 4hdmPath
  9621. "categHouses"
  9622. "histStyles"
  9623. "queenAnne" 
  9624. buttonUp
  9625. buttonUp
  9626. categHouses
  9627. histStyles
  9628. queenAnne
  9629. hdmPath
  9630. chatauesque
  9631. 4hdmPath
  9632. "categHouses"
  9633. "histStyles"
  9634. "chatauesque" 
  9635. buttonUp
  9636. buttonUp
  9637. categHouses
  9638. histStyles
  9639. chatauesque
  9640. hdmPath
  9641. other
  9642. 4hdmPath
  9643. "categHouses"
  9644. "histStyles"
  9645. "other" 
  9646. buttonUp
  9647. buttonUp
  9648. categHouses
  9649. histStyles
  9650. other
  9651. hdmPath
  9652. richards
  9653. 4hdmPath
  9654. "categHouses"
  9655. "histStyles"
  9656. "richards" 
  9657. buttonUp
  9658. buttonUp
  9659. categHouses
  9660. histStyles
  9661. richards
  9662. hdmPath
  9663. colonialRevival
  9664. 4hdnPath
  9665. "categHouses"
  9666. "histStyles"
  9667. "colonialRevival" 
  9668. buttonUp
  9669. buttonUp
  9670. categHouses
  9671. histStyles
  9672. colonialRevival
  9673. hdnPath
  9674. shingles
  9675. 4hdnPath
  9676. "categHouses"
  9677. "histStyles"
  9678. "shingle" 
  9679. buttonUp
  9680. buttonUp
  9681. categHouses
  9682. histStyles
  9683. shingle
  9684. hdnPath
  9685. renaissance
  9686. 4hdnPath
  9687. "categHouses"
  9688. "histStyles"
  9689. "renaissance" 
  9690. buttonUp
  9691. buttonUp
  9692. categHouses
  9693. histStyles
  9694. renaissance
  9695. hdnPath
  9696. artsCrafts
  9697. 4hdnPath
  9698. "categHouses"
  9699. "histStyles"
  9700. "artsCrafts" 
  9701. buttonUp
  9702. buttonUp
  9703. categHouses
  9704. histStyles
  9705. artsCrafts
  9706. hdnPath
  9707. prairie
  9708. 4hdnPath
  9709. "categHouses"
  9710. "histStyles"
  9711. "prairie" 
  9712. buttonUp
  9713. buttonUp
  9714. categHouses
  9715. histStyles
  9716. prairie
  9717. hdnPath
  9718. international
  9719. 4hdnPath
  9720. "categHouses"
  9721. "histStyles"
  9722. "international" 
  9723. buttonUp
  9724. buttonUp
  9725. categHouses
  9726. histStyles
  9727. international
  9728. hdnPath
  9729. decideBuild
  9730. Deciding to Build --
  9731. The Environment
  9732. Family
  9733. Money
  9734. Personality
  9735. Location
  9736. Other Options
  9737. environment
  9738. 4hdoPath
  9739. "environment" 
  9740. buttonUp
  9741. buttonUp
  9742. environment
  9743. hdoPath
  9744. 4hdoPath
  9745. buttonUp
  9746. buttonUp
  9747. hdoPath
  9748. family
  9749. 4hdoPath
  9750. "family" 
  9751. buttonUp
  9752. buttonUp
  9753. family
  9754. hdoPath
  9755. money
  9756. 4hdoPath
  9757. "money" 
  9758. buttonUp
  9759. buttonUp
  9760. money
  9761. hdoPath
  9762. personality
  9763. 4hdoPath
  9764. "personality" 
  9765. buttonUp
  9766. buttonUp
  9767. personality
  9768. hdoPath
  9769. location
  9770. 4hdoPath
  9771. "Location" 
  9772. buttonUp
  9773. buttonUp
  9774. Location
  9775. hdoPath
  9776. otherOptions
  9777. 4hdoPath
  9778. "otherOptions" 
  9779. buttonUp
  9780. buttonUp
  9781. otherOptions
  9782. hdoPath
  9783. ownerBuilderSchools
  9784. Owner/Builder Schools --
  9785. Welcome to School!
  9786. Heartwood
  9787. Owner Builder Center
  9788. Shelter Institute
  9789. Southface Energy Institute
  9790. Southwest Solaradobe
  9791. Upper Loft Design
  9792. Yestermorrow
  9793. schoolWelcome
  9794. 4hdpPath
  9795. "welcome" 
  9796. buttonUp
  9797. buttonUp
  9798. welcome
  9799. hdpPath
  9800. heartwood
  9801. 4hdpPath
  9802. "heartwood" 
  9803. buttonUp
  9804. buttonUp
  9805. heartwood
  9806. hdpPath
  9807. ownerBuilder
  9808. 4hdpPath
  9809. "ownerBuilder" 
  9810. buttonUp
  9811. buttonUp
  9812. ownerBuilder
  9813. hdpPath
  9814. shelter
  9815. 4hdpPath
  9816. "shelter" 
  9817. buttonUp
  9818. buttonUp
  9819. shelter
  9820. hdpPath
  9821. southface
  9822. 4hdpPath
  9823. "southface" 
  9824. buttonUp
  9825. buttonUp
  9826. southface
  9827. hdpPath
  9828. southwest
  9829. 4hdpPath
  9830. "southwest" 
  9831. buttonUp
  9832. buttonUp
  9833. southwest
  9834. hdpPath
  9835. upperLoft
  9836. 4hdpPath
  9837. "upperLoft" 
  9838. buttonUp
  9839. buttonUp
  9840. upperLoft
  9841. hdpPath
  9842. yestermorrow
  9843. 4hdpPath
  9844. "yestermorrow" 
  9845. buttonUp
  9846. buttonUp
  9847. yestermorrow
  9848. hdpPath
  9849. ownerSchools
  9850. Owner/Builder Schools --
  9851.   Welcome to School!
  9852.    Heartwood
  9853.    Owner Builder Center (CA)
  9854.    Owner Builder Center (TX)
  9855.    Shelter Institute
  9856.    Southface Energy Institute
  9857.    Southwest Solaradobe School
  9858.    Upper Loft Design, Inc.
  9859.    Yestermorrow
  9860. schoolwelcome
  9861. 4hdpPath
  9862. "welcome" 
  9863. buttonUp
  9864. buttonUp
  9865. welcome
  9866. hdpPath
  9867. heartwood
  9868. 4hdpPath
  9869. "heartwood" 
  9870. buttonUp
  9871. buttonUp
  9872. heartwood
  9873. hdpPath
  9874. OwnerCA
  9875. 4hdpPath
  9876. "ownerBuilder" 
  9877. buttonUp
  9878. buttonUp
  9879. ownerBuilder
  9880. hdpPath
  9881. ownerTexas
  9882. 4hdpPath
  9883. "ownerTexas" 
  9884. buttonUp
  9885. buttonUp
  9886. ownerTexas
  9887. hdpPath
  9888. shelter
  9889. 4hdpPath
  9890. "shelter" 
  9891. buttonUp
  9892. buttonUp
  9893. shelter
  9894. hdpPath
  9895. southface
  9896. 4hdpPath
  9897. "southface" 
  9898. buttonUp
  9899. buttonUp
  9900. southface
  9901. hdpPath
  9902. southwest
  9903. 4hdpPath
  9904. "southwest" 
  9905. buttonUp
  9906. buttonUp
  9907. southwest
  9908. hdpPath
  9909. upperLoft
  9910. 4hdpPath
  9911. "upperLoft" 
  9912. buttonUp
  9913. buttonUp
  9914. upperLoft
  9915. hdpPath
  9916. yestermorrow
  9917. 4hdpPath
  9918. "yestermorrow" 
  9919. buttonUp
  9920. buttonUp
  9921. yestermorrow
  9922. hdpPath
  9923. Directions --
  9924. Single click on a title to display
  9925.    a list of topics in the next 
  9926.    column.
  9927. Double click on a title in any 
  9928.    column to go directly to that 
  9929.    section.
  9930. 4mainPath
  9931. "kbmap" 
  9932. buttonUp
  9933. buttonUp
  9934. kbmap
  9935. mainPath
  9936. Kitchen & Bath Map
  9937. 4mainPath
  9938. "map" 
  9939. buttonUp
  9940. buttonUp
  9941. mainPath
  9942. Mag. of Designs Map
  9943. 4mainPath
  9944. "resourcesMap" 
  9945. buttonUp
  9946. buttonUp
  9947. resourcesMap
  9948. mainPath
  9949. Resources Map
  9950. 4mainPath
  9951. buttonUp
  9952. buttonUp
  9953. mainPath
  9954. BUTTONUP
  9955. BUTTONUP
  9956. BUTTONUP
  9957. buttonUp
  9958. buttonUp
  9959. Previous
  9960. A8JPKZ`
  9961. h@pnxdy\
  9962. D$E$F$G$H$I$J$K$L$M$N$O$P$
  9963. R$S$T$U$V$W$X$Y$Z$[$\$]$
  9964. _$`$a$b$c$
  9965. e$f$g$h$
  9966. j$k$l$m$n$
  9967. q$r$s$t$u$v$w$x$y$
  9968. $ $!$"$
  9969. $$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$.$/$0$1$
  9970. 3$4$5$6$7$
  9971. 9$:$;$<$=$>$?$@$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H$I$J$K$L$M$N$O$P$
  9972. R$S$T$U$V$W$X$Y$Z$[$\$]$
  9973. _$`$a$b$c$
  9974. e$f$g$h$
  9975. j$k$l$m$n$
  9976. q$r$s$t$u$v$w$x$y$